Auth0 get user

Auth0 get user. Import, group, and administer users and control their access. , "Flutter Application"). TokenValidationParameters within the AddAuthentication() call. Logical identifier for your connection; it must be unique for your tenant. Auth0's hosted cloud database stores user data that is available to you via user profiles. User accounts can also represent non-humans, such as software, Internet of Things devices, or robotics. The following information is displayed for each permission: Name of the permission from the permission definition. Write Your First Action: How to write an Action, which includes choosing a flow, creating an Action and configuring it, and binding it to the flow. To learn how the flow works and why you should use it, read Client Credentials Flow. env. I've read a ton of different manuals and can't understand, how to get user's permissions. Production: Auth0 recommends that you get a short-lived token programmatically for production. Property. I’m wondering if there was a way to get user, assigned role and permissions in one API call using Management API. After the OIDC middleware signs the user in, the user is also automatically signed in to the cookie middleware. 🛠 Locate the "Identifier" field and copy its value. This will invoke the OIDC authentication handler that our SDK registers internally. My authentication is working fine and I can log in. Now, follow these steps to get the Auth0 Domain value: 🛠 Click on the "Test" tab. Then it calls the User info and obtains the role of the User. – Mar 28, 2019 · Hey, I have users with roles assigned to them, and I want to get those roles in the rules. Click the Roles tab. system Closed February 21, 2020, 4:56pm 3. The Auth0 Management API uses JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) to authenticate requests. Once there, click on the Auth0 Management API and head on to the “Test” tab. At a high level, your Next. Auth0-PHP handles most of these steps automatically for you. Nickname. The Auth0 SDKs also include support for redirect URLs. User authenticates using one of the configured login options, and may see a consent prompt listing the permissions Auth0 will give to the application. Feb 6, 2020 · There’s no way to retrieve a user’s password hash via the management or authentication APIs. Once that is done your code should work. I did this so far: cost { user, isAuthenticated } = useAuth0(); <p>{user. So it will be basic API authorization that I want. May 9, 2020 · Hey all, I have followed the quick start guide and created my application. You can configure a post-login trigger to modify user_metadata and app_metadata as part of a user’s login flow. idToken || {}; let accessTokenClaims = context. Authentication is the verification of a digital identity. The following information is displayed for each role: Column. CancellationToken)). IDP access tokens: Access tokens issued by identity providers after user authentication that you can use to call the third-party May 24, 2017 · When you use the API authorization features to obtain an access token to call your own API on behalf of a given end-user the user_id is included in the access token in the sub claim. It is generated when a user authenticates and before rules run. If a user has admin role then the user can access all pages. Mar 18, 2022 · The user_id is available as the sub claim in an ID Token if you are indeed using a flow that results in one. I looked into the Jul 25, 2023 · Visit the API entry on the Auth0 Dashboard. User profiles contain information about your users such as name and contact information. Your application will need to: Call Auth0\SDK\Auth0::login () when users need to login (for example: click a link, visit walled content, etc. Click on the "Create Application" button. Mar 24, 2020 · I am using Auth0 for ASP. Nov 19, 2022 · I added additionalSignUp fields for firstName and lastName to my custom Universal login. Login is working successfully and I am getting access token using the getTokenSilently of the auth0-spa-js. com) I can log in, get an access token, pass it to the secured API and the API runs. You can make a silent authentication request to get new tokens as long as the user still has a valid session at Auth0. Enter a name for your application (e. Auth0 Authorization Server redirects user to login and authorization prompt. Unfortunately we have two separate endpoints for When a user performs a new standard login, Auth0 resets the login session. The import process automatically adds the auth0| prefix to the imported user IDs. Now I have created a rule: function (user, context, callback) { if Auth0 treats all of these accounts as separate profiles by default, so if you wish a user's accounts to be linked, this is the way to go. I 20 hours ago · You should be able to query the user search endpoint or within the dashboard to pull up the tenant member the user_id is associated to. js SDK to log in users, protect routes, display user profile information, and request protected data from an external API server to hydrate some of the application pages. This works fine as documented in the link Authentication API Explorer Now I need to call the API server using this access token which is in node. Because of the order of events when a user authenticates, changes made to a user's profile from within a rule will only be available in the current user object if you also save the The event object for the post-login Actions trigger provides contextual information about a single user logging in via Auth0. Connection name. In this scenario, you have a legacy user store and wish to switch to the Auth0 store. You will use the identifier as an audiencelater, when you are configuring the Access Token verification. How to get them? Jun 1, 2019 · The link I just referenced explains the steps needed to log users in and to fetch access tokens and id tokens (to get the latter you will need the right scopes ). Manage Users. If a user is in user role then the user can access only the user page. Select the API Explorer tab and locate an auto-generated token in the Token section. You will enter the flow editor, which provides you with a visual diagram of the flow, as in the following picture Generally, you use scopes in three ways: From an application, to verify the identity of a user and get basic profile information about the user, such as their email or picture. Jun 3, 2020 · The two basic ways of doing this are: 1. I can see the user_metadata when looking at the user object in the dashboard - now I want to be able to reference it in my react app, e. Login of users works fine, and I also added the function getTokenSilently$ () to retrieve the access_token and put it in requests via Interceptor. However, if you use the additional data for authentication Specialized tokens. Call Auth0\SDK\Auth0::getCredentials () when you need to User search allows you to retrieve user profile details using Auth0's Management API. you can only request user_metadata of your own user but not app_metadata, and obviously also no information about other users. Oct 16, 2023 · The user object stores information about the logged-in user, returned by the identity provider. authentication. Here are the steps to follow: A strap worn around the ankle for support or fashion. To open a particular user, click the user profile picture or name in the "Name" column. AccessToken); and added GetUserInfoAsync works. The maximum length is 64 characters for the user/local part and 256 characters Jul 23, 2020 · It seems that I got still quite some confusion as how to get the user roles from my Angular SPA. Upon successful authentication, Auth0 will redirect your users back to your Nov 6, 2020 · 🛠 Head back to your Auth0 API page, and follow these steps to get the Auth0 Audience: 🛠 Click on the "Settings" tab. Enter your user's Email, Password, and Repeat Password, then select the Connection. event. Mar 9, 2018 · Is there a way to retrieve Auth0 logins to a particular client? I have a common set of users across 2 different clients (2 different applications) and would like to get at the login data separately. You will need some details about that application to communicate with Auth0. Get User Script Templates. Most user profile fields are not returned as part of an ID Token, nor are they included in the response from the /userinfo endpoint of the Authentication API. Create Users. Go to Dashboard > User Management > Users and click Create User. Sep 19, 2020 · But how do I get the additional data that is present on the raw json object if I inspect the user in the auth0 dashboard, mainly the user_metadata and app_metadata? PHP Guidance for user-metadata & user_id Jun 15, 2021 · So, the User ID is sent at every user login and I don’t desire that. Thanks for trying to help. After a few seconds, you’ll see a screen like the following: Before continuing, ensure you have the correct application selected on the drop-down; next, you can copy your access_token from the UI. User Profiles. If you’d prefer to not implement silent auth, you could add a custom claim to the ID Token informs your app if the user just signed up. The user information itself can come from a variety of sources, including identity providers, your own databases, and enterprise connections (such as Active Directory or SAML). 0, and SAML. Mar 14, 2023 · To get user information from a token in a Spring Boot application, you can use Spring Security’s authentication mechanism. Jul 15, 2023 · I have a user in my Auth0 tenant. User selects Login within application. (await auth0ManagementApiClient. As an example, here is a Rule that adds a fictitious uuid attribute from the user’s app_metadata to their ID token: github. You can now make authorized calls to the Management API using this token. Jan 30, 2023 · After creating an Auth0 account, follow the steps below to set up an application: Go to the Applications section of your dashboard. e. The q query parameter can be used to get users that match the specified criteria using query string syntax. With SPAs, Auth0. Please provide examples with links to the correct URLs within Auth0. The checkSession method from auth0. Users. Go to the Dashboard > Rules and look for the auth0-authorization-extension rule. You need the following information: Domain; Client ID; Client Secret Here are some best practices for user search: You need a token to make requests to the Management API. Select the Copy icon to the right of the token. Alright so if you want to access the information inside the OnTokenValidated event, then you can use the following code: Audience = Configuration["auth0:clientId"], Authority = $"https://{Configuration["auth0:domain"]}/", Events = new The Users page lists the users who are associated with your apps. Get Access Tokens Manually. Rules-> Set roles to user->. But this token do not have user email or name. Choose the option that works best for your application type and the type of flow that you are using. The API supports various identity protocols, like OpenID Connect, OAuth 2. So, let’s access localhost:8080/users to receive a JSON response containing all users: Jan 28, 2020 · You need to add a new rule in the auth pipeline on your Auth0 dashboard. Description of the permission from the permission definition. Thank you. I want to create 2 different pages in NextJS which are for user and admin roles. The search looks for an exact match to the provided email address and is case-sensitive. Record whether or not specific operations have occurred for a user. Oct 31, 2023 · Afterward, you'll use the Auth0 Next. js, or a library like Lock. This can all be done outside of an action entirely which might be a more straightforward approach. So I did this: Jun 30, 2021 · I managed to get the user role after the successful authentication on our frontend app using Rules. If you want to map a different claim to User. Request a user's profile using an Access Token In this example, we combine our previous two examples to authenticate a user, request standard claims, and also request a custom scope for a calendar API that will allow the calling application to read appointments for the user. Leave the Signing Algorithmas RS256. Someone wants access to your resource. My question is, how do I procure a authentication JWT for a specific user using username and password, but with using API, not a browser based method like Lock. Yes, Auth0 and our network of partners want to see you succeed! We provide a special plan for Startups that includes 100K monthly external active users, Enterprise Identity Providers, Pro MFA & Password Protection and SSO for Auth0 Dashboard free for a whole year. Sep 2, 2019 · I added the exact rule from the link you provided and I’m able to see the roles in the id token and the access token returns from the spa sdk. This tutorial will help you call your API from a machine-to-machine (M2M) application using the Client Credentials Flow. When I use the following code to try to retrieve the user by their email address it returns no results: var auth0User =. Go to Dashboard > User Management > Users and click the name of the user to view. Manage User Metadata with the post-login Action Trigger; Verify Emails using Auth0; User Account Linking; Create Users; Identify Users; View User Details; Change User Pictures; Manage User Access to Applications; Deny User Access to an API with Rules; Block and Unblock Users; Unlink Devices from Users; Delete Users; Get User Information on Auth0 stores user information for your tenant in a hosted cloud database, or you can choose to store user data in your own custom external database. To do this, get two tokens: ID token that contains: User name. The User Details page has links for five tabs: Details. You can create a user using Auth0's Dashboard or via the Auth0 Management API. You then configure your API in accordance to the associated quickstart: var options = new JwtBearerOptions. querying the /userinfo endpoint. Description of the role from the role definition. The linkUser method accepts two parameters, the primary userId and the secondary user's ID Token (the token obtained after login with this identity). The user's email address. NET Core Web APIs (auth0. However, the information I got was the same as what the loginResult contains. Auth0 will handle all the required authentication and authorization logic (sign-up, sign-in, MFA, consent, and so on). var userInfo = await client. Dec 6, 2018 · I am trying to do Auth0 authorization in NestJS, but i am not sure how to get user's data on callback url handler. accessToken['http The core of IAM is identity. authorization. app_metadata || {}; context. Existing tenants with active Hooks will retain Hooks product access through end of life. Read about best practices when working with the API endpoints for retrieving users. Follow these steps to get started with the Auth0 Identity Platform quickly: Sign up and create an Auth0 Jan 27, 2024 · The users method fetches a list of all users by making a GET request to the /api/v2/users Auth0 API with the access token generated in the previous section. Net (MVC) project and following the below article: With this article, i am able to login and logout the user from ASP. To learn more, see Get Access Tokens. requires that you write a Rule. Nov 18, 2022 · 🛠 Head back to your Auth0 API page, and follow these steps to get the Auth0 Audience: 🛠 Click on the "Settings" tab. Auth0's SDK redirects user to Auth0 Authorization Server (/authorize endpoint). GetUserInfoAsync (loginResult. And I need to retrieve some information from user object. Whether hooks can be used with connections varies according to extensibility point. Then go to Auth0 Management API v2 and click TRY to get the ID of your API. You can use it with the /userinfo endpoint, and Auth0 takes care of the rest. If you comment the lines in, then it will work. It may be possible to get users password hashes by opening a support ticket (I vaguely recall this was an option a few years ago). sopala June 30, 2021, 1:38pm 2. Redirect users from within rules. Following successful authentication, the application will Nov 10, 2019 · That said, it is possible for an end user to request an access token that is valid for the Auth0 Management API from within a SPA, however, that comes with limited scopes, i. js) is a JavaScript library for implementing authentication and authorization in React apps with Auth0. Any help will be appreciated. rueben. I recently implemented user authentication in my react web app using Auth0. I have seen a bunch of scripts to get the Rules, but none of them works. Create the necessary logic in your application to retrieve the stored URL and redirect your users where you want them to go. js uses a silent token request in combination with response_mode=web_message for SPAs so that the request happens in a hidden iframe. Name of the role from the role definition. Sep 2, 2021 · But I cannot see user roles. Auth0 React SDK for Single Page Apps. It's bad practice to call the endpoint to get a new access token every time you call an API, and Auth0 maintains rate limits that will throttle the amount of requests to the endpoint that can be executed Navigate to Auth0 Dashboard > Authentication > Enterprise, locate Microsoft Azure AD, and select its +. Jun 22, 2019 · I am using free plan of Auth0. My application has the role-based user rendering where there is an Admin and normal user. I have created a profile page which uses this code: <pre *ngIf="authenticationService. Auth0 makes it easy for your application to implement the Client Credentials Flow. Jun 8, 2016 · So for example, if you want the name and email address of the user, be sure to set scope to openid name email. By a natural key, like the email property. We recommend naming this function getUser. Name. Once set, this name can't be changed. Description. Configure Spring Security in your application by adding the necessary dependencies and configuring the security settings in the If you are using an export file from an Auth0 tenant, you must convert the exported file from ndjson to JSON. In there you fine the marked lines that cause the return. Name of the API to which the permission is attached. Auth0 limits the number of users you can return. 0 framework. Jun 23, 2019 · Anyway, the reason you’re getting this no_end_user is because of a rule in place. I am sorry, that I’m really struggling with steps. This script is required for automatic migration, and conditionally required for legacy authentication depending on the operations configured for the connection. Add a link that points to the login route using an anchor tag. name}</p> But I also want to get user's id, so I can reference them later in my backend. Requests are subject to limits as outlined in the individual policies for Auth0 APIs. Name then add it to options. At normal express function this could be solved by code below. 0 specifications. Go to Dashboard > Manage Users > Users and click the name of the user to view. When you build an application requiring authentication, you can use sessions to determine whether a user is authenticated each time a request occurs. This endpoint is immediately consistent, and as such, we recommend that you use this endpoint for: Typically, you should consume this API through one of the Auth0 SDKs, such as Auth0. I am using auth0/auth0-spa-js and have followed the getting started tutorial for Angular applications. Usually, a user will need a new access token only after the previous one expires or when gaining access to a new resource for the first time. Some example tasks include: Get tokens during authentication. Sep 4, 2019 · I am using Auth0 for Google Authentication for my React App. In this case, it is recommended that you enable email verification and only use this option with providers that require that users verify their emails. To get the latest search results, use an immediately consistent endpoint during authentication processes, such as Get Users by Feb 17, 2021 · In the Auth0 dashboard, I have my user setup with an 'Admin' role and I am trying to set 'Rules' in order to pass the 'app_metadata' to the API response. Alternatively, you could get the sub claim from the /userinfo endpoint using the user’s access token. You can get Management Token and see the search options here. tiow March 28, 2024, 4:00pm 4 Users can now log in to your application by visiting the /api/auth/login route provided by the SDK. konrad. To keep the same user IDs, you must remove the auth0| prefix from all imported user IDs. Auth0 provides a comprehensive system for storing metadata in the Auth0 user profile. js code. Cache the results of expensive operations on the user profile so they can be re-used Retrieve Users with Get Users by Email Endpoint. GetUsersByEmailAsync(customer. I've set roles, added permissions to them, assigned this role to user. accessToken || {}; Manage Metadata with Rules. Oct 19, 2023 · I’m taking my first steps learning Auth0 and have got a sample website (ASP. Great. Hooks that can be used with connections only work with database and passwordless connections. OIDC uses JSON web tokens (JWTs), which you can obtain using flows conforming to the OAuth 2. I cannot quite figure out how to do this - is there a good working example somewhere than I can Apr 12, 2019 · Yes, it’s not very clear inside auth0, but justin’s answer helped me to find the solution. In addition, there is a same user login rate limit: If one IP address makes 20 login attempts in one minute to the same user account, the rate limit comes into effect. Manage User Metadata with the post-login Action Trigger. Net web project. We highly recommend that you use Actions to extend Auth0. onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {. There are three specialized tokens used in Auth0's token-based authentication scenarios: Refresh tokens: A token used to obtain a renewed access token without having to re-authenticate the user. It offers endpoints so your users can log in, sign up, log out, access APIs, and more. On your Auth0 Dashboard, navigate to Applications > APIs > Auth0 Management API. function (user, context, callback) { user. After fetching these tokens, you can either decode id tokens locally and validate it, or you can use access tokens consume the /userinfo to fetch user profile. Auth0 provides a rich system for storing metadata on the Auth0 user profile. Dashboard. It could be a customer, employee, member, participant, and so on. show a welcome message with the user’s first name from metadata. One thing I’m curious about is this from the rule: let idTokenClaims = context. Jun 13, 2017 · I am an Auth0 noob, and am able to create a new user with the Management API after I get a token for the using the Management API for my specific Auth0 application. To access any of the applications in your tenant, each user must have a profile in the tenant. Thank you Justin. The Auth0 React SDK (auth0-react. Sep 5, 2016 · However, you shall need to use an Auth0 Management Token. Mar 15, 2021 · To do this, you can go to APIs > Auth0 Management API in your dashboard and select the API Explorer tab and copy the test Access Token. A single page Angular 6x App calling the Auth0 to authenticate. The GET /api/v2/users-by-email endpoint allows you to search for users using their email addresses. 🛠 Paste the "Identifier" value as the value of AUTH0_AUDIENCE in . Updating a password, email, or phone number also causes a user's Auth0 session to expire. The deserialized example token on this page grants read-only access to users, and read/write access to connections. Enter details for your connection, and select Create : Field. To store user data beyond the basic information Auth0 uses for authentication, you can use the Auth0 data store or a custom database. You can also apply for $5,000 in AWS credits. Search results can be viewed, sorted, and exported. SingleOrDefault(); No errors are returned. To perform user search requests, the read:users scope is required. Introduction. authenticate('auth0', function (err, user, info) { }) function with callback function and receive user date in it. Create an API. ) Call Auth0\SDK\Auth0::exchange () when users are redirected to your callback URL. g. This topic was automatically closed 15 days after the last reply. but when I try to get app_metadata I don’t get anything there - like there are no roles. Explore Flows and Triggers: About Action flows and triggers that represent the pipeline through which information moves through Auth0 A user may have the same user_id property across multiple Auth0 tenants, but consistency is not guaranteed. In the MainPage#DisplayResult method of the above sample code. net Core Razor pages) set up to call an API by following Securing Razor Pages Applications with Auth0 and Authorization for ASP. You can do this in a post-login Action: exports. Then customize the function and access the context. In some cases the access token will not have a sub claim which will lead to User. However, if you are building your authentication UI manually, you will need to call the Authentication API directly. Also when looking in the user dashboard - it looks like both app_metadata and user_metadata are empty. This information is available to you via a user profile, and your users are grouped by tenant. I am getting the profile with Auth0's getSession method. js handles the result processing (either Get Suspicious Ip Throttling200 Response Stage Pre User Registration; Get Tokens Request; Get Triggers200 Response; Get Universal Login200 Response One Of; Get User Blocks By Id Request; Get User Blocks Request; Get User Organizations Request; Get User Roles Request; Get Users200 Response One Of; Get Users200 Response One Of Inner; Get Users200 . User Accounts. The Auth0 SPA SDK handles grant and protocol details, token Oct 16, 2023 · Auth0 invokes hooks during runtime to execute your custom Node. In the APIssection of the Auth0 dashboard, click Create API. In this scenario, the scopes available to you include those implemented by the OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol. Clicking it redirects your users to the Auth0 Universal Login Page, where Auth0 can authenticate them. In IAM, a user account is a digital identity. Name being null. app_metadata = user. To learn more, read Database Connections and Passwordless Connections. If you do need to store more information about the user in a database, then yes, you would use the sub claim as the user's unique ID. Identity. adding claims to the user’s ID and / or access token (s) and 2. It allows third-party applications to verify the identity of the end-user and to obtain basic user profile information. The user information itself can come from a variety of sources, including identity providers, your own databases, and enterprise Depending on what you are using the Management API for, there are different ways to get Management API tokens: Testing: You can get a test token manually by following the prompts on the Auth0 dashboard. Single page applications (SPAs): Because SPAs Nov 18, 2022 · 🛠 Head back to your Auth0 API page, and follow these steps to get the Auth0 Audience: 🛠 Click on the "Settings" tab. Finally, select Native as the application type and click the Create button. It provides a high-level API and handles a lot of the details so you can secure SPAs using best practices while writing less code. (Optional) Details about authentication signals obtained during the login flow. When you signed up for Auth0, a new application was created for you, or you could have created a new one. It provides a custom React hook and other Higher Order Components so you can secure React apps using best practices while writing less code. You can use metadata to do the following activities: Store application-specific data in the user profile. I added a role from the Auth0 dashboard and assigned it to one of my users but I am not getting this role in the Login response. Audience = Configuration"Auth0:ApiIdentifier"], OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an identity layer built on top of the OAuth 2. The Get User script implements the function executed to determine the current state of existence of a user. I am using 05-Token-Renewal (from Auth0 examples) and in idTokenPayload I have even picture, but there is no permissions. Devices. The User Details page will open and display information for that user. The Auth0 Single Page App SDK is a new JavaScript library for implementing authentication and authorization in single page apps (SPA) with Auth0. com. If you receive an opaque Access Token, you don't need to validate it. To learn more, read OpenID Connect Scopes. I was able to do the same and the token is received in the API server Dec 22, 2021 · For this purpose, select Flows under the Actions item from the left side menu of the Auth0 Dashboard. roles to read the roles assigned to users and adding them into the token. AuthenticationScheme) as the authentication scheme. io/ and seeing what the payload contains. To add the Login, call ChallengeAsyncand pass "Auth0" (Auth0Constants. js with Auth0. You can get these details from the Application Settings section in the Auth0 dashboard. To learn more, read Configure Automatic Migration from Your Database. You can manage user profiles through the Auth0 Dashboard and the Auth0 Management API . Auth0's hosted cloud database stores a variety of information on your users that is accessible to you. Oct 5, 2018 · Hi I have the following scenario. The Management API access token’s scopes claim indicates which request methods can be performed when calling this API. You need to give your management token read:users and read:user_idp_tokens scopes as per docs. Post-login triggers are useful for tasks such as storing application-specific data on the user Configure Auth0 APIs. Understand How Auth0 Actions Work: How Auth0 Actions work. js application redirects the user to Auth0 to log in. They have a rule template specifically for including the user’s email in the access token. The End of Life (EOL) date of Rules and Hooks will be November 18, 2024, and they are no longer available to new tenants created as of October 16, 2023. Configure your Auth0 domain as the authority, and your Auth0 API identifier as the audience. In Auth0's case, opaque tokens can be used with the /userinfo endpoint to return a user's profile. Learn more about searching for users. I call passport. The Authentication API enables you to manage all aspects of user identity when you use Auth0. Email, cancellationToken: context. js and uses express. Mar 9, 2023 · When using auth0 - spa - js the user will sign in using the Authorization Code Grant with PKCE. Jun 16, 2022 · This tutorial demonstrates how to add user login to a UWP C# application using Auth0. Click the Permissions view. Includes the following properties: methodsArray of objects . You will see a page showing the possible flows you can configure: For your goal, you will choose the Post User Registration flow. When searching for users in Auth0, you can use Jul 13, 2016 · It's not strictly necessary to store an ID or have a database at all since JWT allows stateless authentication (you can trust whatever comes in the token). userProfile$ | async as profile"> <code>{{ profile | json }}</code> </pre> which shows me some details for the user. Auth0 provides an automatic migration feature that adds your users to the Auth0 database one-at-a-time as each logs in and avoids asking your users to reset their passwords all at the same time. After that, Auth0 allows the user 10 attempts per minute. {. Provide a name and an identifier for your API, for example, https://quickstarts/api. Configure Next. See this sample I wrote, where I do a search (in this case filtering to get a specific user account rather than all users). You should test the contents of your JWT by entering it into https://jwt. To learn more, read Management API Access Tokens. qq cr pr dq ch px cj mb jq cc