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Cargo glibc version

Cargo glibc version. Which means, the most recent version of nu cannot be installed through the officially recommended ways without unrecommended & potentially risky hacks to the system. To see which symbols reference GLIBC_2. Furthermore, the GitHub Actions log shows a failure for the same reason. 28 would indeed be nice to be able to run it on CentOS 8. Instead of changing your toolchain, you have to add the target to your current toolchain (make sure to switch back to your original toolchain first). /hello-rust) GLIBC aka libc6 is installed on the system, however, the version is 2. Also, you want to use the glibc and Linux kernel versions of your target system. The rustc CI uses CentOS I think as they use a pretty old version of glibc. Affected distributions include Debian 10, Ubuntu 18. glibc_version. This seems to be available on Ubuntu 22. This allows the target to be used as a development platform, not just a compilation target. I am cross compiling an application for an embedded device (Moxa UC-8100), and I am running into a version issue with GLIBC. 3 packages excluded due to repository priority protections. 6: version `GLIBC_2. 17 (previously glibc >= 2. Jul 9, 2020 · Here are simple ways to check glibc version on Linux. $ rustup target install i686-unknown-linux-gnu. Sep 22, 2022 · Sept. 3. , cargo install cargo-audit --features vendored-openssl in this case. Which is strange since my understanding is rust compiles Jul 9, 2021 · Build Platform CPU Architecture: amd64 OS: Debian 10 (latest stable release) Libraries: glibc 2. petrochenkov mentioned this issue on Jun 18, 2022. so to print out version. I have tried the following command for dynamic compilation: go build --ldflags '-linkmode external -L /path/to/another_glibc/ But when I run ldd "go_executable", it still shows linked to default glibc. Jul 31, 2023 · It seems the reason is the difference in build and run environments w. Ask your package manager (I haven't used Ubuntu in long enough I don't remember dpkg commands) which package provides your libc. Dec 14, 2017 · 首先,. 1 and espressif/idf-rust:esp32_latest): $ cargo espf Nov 7, 2022 · Hi there! I'd like to write a tool I'd want to deploy to various devices with ARM processors and low RAM. 17)--linux-version, LINUX_VERSION: The Linux version (default 4. 27, and i cant update it. 17. glibc. This is why the buildbots in the linux cluster mozilla uses are/were old versions of centos. However, with Cargo Lambda, you can specify a different version of glibc. toml options. 18, you can use eu-readelf: $ eu-readelf -s /usr/bin/cargo | grep -F @GLIBC_2. I have published a new cargo plugin called cargo-quickinstall . I compile from Linux for Linux, but I need to produce binaries compatible with very old Linux distros (circa centos 5). Before, I developed on version machine GLIBCXX_3. Image Variants. You can use ldd to a binary to find out the libc. 22, 2022 · The Rust Release Team. Jul 8, 2018 · Since glibc version 2. Aug 9, 2022 · even if all functions from glibc used by the program are available on earlier glibc versions. This means that you can't use executables built on NixOS on Ubuntu. 32 or greater but that does not seem to work. Method One. If you want to perform the check at compile time, then Zwol's answer below is probably the best method. Appending --features vendored-openssl to the cargo command fixes this. Share. The others are some frequently-used auxiliary libraries which can be Run cargo zigbuild, for example, cargo zigbuild --target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu; Specify glibc version. So I need cross compilation. www . 35. Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile. Note that this crate is only expected to work under cfg (target_env = "gnu"), so please guard the usage under relevant configuration predicates. Part of them are toolchains used to recompile or repackage the applications to make them runnable in Occlum TEE environment. moxa@Moxa:~$ . I have added -static to . A gcc cross compiler, because rustc uses gcc to "link" stuff together. 32 they will not be compatible with prior versions. C dependencies, usually "libc", cross compiled for the target system. Possible related: when performing cargo install with linuxbrew (and openssl@3) installed, it fails at link stage, similar to this question. Method 3: gnu_get_libc_version () glibc is GNU C Library which provides the Standard C implementation and also, supports C++. 7. 6. The canonical solution is create a chroot environment for the target version with debootstrap, as: debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch amd64 bionic ~/bionic_chroot. x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu] rustflags = [. 14 assigned to it. Using yum. The config files are configured via cargo xtask configure-crosstool, which may be customized by the following flags/environment variables:--gcc-version, GCC_VERSION: The GCC version (default 8. 32' not found (required by . And I guess I will have to switch back to stable later. "-C", "link-arg=-fuse-ld=lld", ] Now cargo build links with lld. To figure out the correct versions, run the following on the target system: Oct 17, 2021 · Without it, RUSTFLAGS values are set for the host only which results in the errors we see. Use a cross compiler environment with the correct version of glibc instead and link your demo program to the same glibc version that is present on the target. Jan 3, 2024 · Build the app for your desired ARM version: For ARMv7: cargo tauri build --target armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf; For ARMv8 (ARM64): cargo tauri build --target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu; Choose the appropriate set of instructions based on whether you want to cross-compile your Tauri application for ARMv7 or ARMv8 (ARM64). For the kernel version use uname. Support of GLIBC_2. cargo/config: Aug 26, 2018 · 2. I had a issue with the GLIBCXX version. 35-0ubuntu3) 2. This chapter provides details on what is conventionally considered a compatible or breaking SemVer change for new releases of a package. 17 macOS universal2 target Oct 15, 2019 · Test that it actually works, this will require some building of libstd with cargo overridden libc dependency. Sep 6, 2019 · Turns out that the default linker that rustc uses is actually cc (which makes sense - it supplies all the needed defaults to compile/link C code, which also work for Rust). The OS depends heavily on the correct version of glibc and updating it will probably cause problems in many other programs. 83) I provided the version numbers that I used. 18 or later by default. toml to set a static version parameter. toml options, which override Cargo. 17 (compatible with CentOS 7). The standard solution for this is building inside a container (or nix environment I think) that has an older glibc version installed. It’s a collection of C library functions that provide low-level functionality to the operating system and other system software. . I believe the Ubuntu / Debian equivalent is: sudo apt-get install libc6-dev. 6: version GLIBC_2. So, I downgraded gcc version from 5. Method2, libc. More details are available Rust issue #78210. These are only guidelines, and not necessarily hard-and Sep 1, 2019 · Make a VM That Has an Older Version; This is a common approach. We can pass an argument to cc to make it link with lld: [target. After that, you pass the option -C target-feature=+crt-static to rustc when compiling your program: $ rustc -o rustfoo -C target-feature=+crt-static main. There is a workaround. t. linux. Sep 24, 2023 · Hi, I try to crosscompile my old project on my fresh installed linux mint. Run cargo build and note the version it picked (e. If you want to check the version at runtime, then R1tschY's answer is probably the best method. js 16 to 20. Method Two. AFAIU, for CGO_ENABLED=1, you'll need to use a glibc version during compile that matches (or is lower) than the one on your target runtime system. Jul 5, 2019 · Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. 6) from the command line as if it were a command. When running my build on the device, it says. Installed Packages. 3 Likes Apr 2, 2022 · on Mar 17, 2023. 15, and so I installed glibc 2. Nov 30, 2018 · Mh, I was able to cargo build successfully and run the basic example with this Dockerfile: version `GLIBC_2. 35 is the latest version of glibc available in Ubuntu 22. 16. −. 10 will result in the build not running on Ubuntu 20. I've also found this issue which shows that bundling generated data is not out-of-bounds for cargo in general. if the current released version is 2. 27 irrespective of what version the OS in which the application is built has? Amazon Linux 1 uses glibc version 2. 1. Output: Sep 1, 2019 · 1 Answer. toml file. To compile a Rust program we need 4 things: Find out what's the triple for the target system. x and GLIBCXX version from 3. Jul 24, 2021 · NixOS likely has a more recent version of glibc than Ubuntu. 0" to the Cargo. 4 You scanned lib/*. If you are building for Amazon Linux 1, or you want to support both Amazon Linux 2 and 1, run: May 14, 2021 · glibc v2. 32/2. Method 2: Use libc-version. 17 where this change was done explains the reason for this change: +* The `clock_*' suite of functions (declared in <time. Sep 6, 2019 · If you build with cargo-deb, it will add Depends: libc6 (>= 2. By including the GLIBC version in --target, we're able to make the artifact linked with a different version of GLIBC than the current system uses. This tool reads your patches and outputs the appropriate. Buildroot provides a handy tool to know to whom your patches should be sent, called for more information). The main options seem to be: Disable CGO Which well then use glibc 2. So, check the build environment ldd --version will reveal the glibc version. g. The only major downside to zig-cc is that the compiler can be quite slow at times. For example, building on stock Ubuntu 20. Overcoming Incompatible GLIBC Versions: If the installed GLIBC version on your Linux system Specify glibc version. The clock_* are now part of the main C library. io index" takes 13 seconds, and the rest takes 1 second. But compiling from source worked like a charm. Not only cross-compiling. Rust dependencies, usually the std crate, cross compiled for the target system. 15 with dpkg and thus overwriting my system's version which it was 2. It is a wrapper around the system calls of the Linux kernel for application use. 04 has GLIBC version 2. 04. 2. 04, Enterprise Linux 7 and 8, and Amazon Linux 2. 17 with the aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu target: cargo zigbuild --target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu. You can compile a newer glibc yourself and use patchelf to fix all helix binary releases afterwards. The main limitation is Glibc versions (e. The x86_64 GLIBC-2. This should return a result similar to: Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks, priorities. The primary goal of glibc is to provide a consistent interface to system resources, such as files, networks, and memory, to Mar 4, 2019 · I'm developing a c++ library. 因为libc出错后很容易导致系统无法启动,关了机会很麻烦。. /hello-rust: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc. This will be a string such as stable . So both in a way. 14 (my current Fedora), in this order: build glibc- <old version> with the standard distro compiler. But my library is not working on the target machine which has GLIBCXX_3. Supports workspaces using cargo's native flags, like --workspace, --exclude and --package. Checking Current GLIBC Version: To determine the version of GLIBC installed on your system, you can use the following command: “` ldd –version | grep ldd “` The output will display the GLIBC version followed by the installation details. Sep 17, 2019 · vmedea September 18, 2019, 7:52am 2. 28) Linux kernel (5. not a dynamic executable. cross. 5 and the library loader ld-linux-x86-64 was build with GLIBC_2. 19 has the following versioned symbols: $ objdump -T SemVer Compatibility. But take that with a grain of salt, as I didn't find a reference. I think there must have been a change in the standard library that made programs call some newer functions (statx and something related to posix_spawn) when available. 1 Compiling libc v0. ldd --version. Other versions might work too, but keep in mind that not all combinations of gcc and glibc are compatible. By using an OS with an outdated, GLIBC the binary will have GLIBC symbols that are compatible with it. Sorted by: 3. 04 for building the official binaries, bringing the minimum supported GLIBC version to 2. 17 with the aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu target: Aug 31, 2016 · Glibc is not linked statically (much as we might have liked to, it goes out of its way to prevent this). Speaking of license compliance, it's worth noting that if you statically link glibc , you most likely have to ship the source code for your entire application to comply with glibc 's LGPL license. Despite its name, it now also directly supports C++ (and, indirectly, other programming languages ). 64. 28 I know this because ldd --version responds with 2. to automatically CC the affected developers: can be configured to automatically do this out of the box with: $ git send-email origin/master. 22. 157: 0000000000000000 0 FUNC WEAK DEFAULT UNDEF __cxa_thread_atexit_impl@GLIBC_2. 33, while the server im actually using this program on is on 2. 12). [. 32 or greater. I need glibc 2. First we need to find out the path of libc. A simple command-line to check the version of the GNU C library is as follows. If you are unsure about what your needs are, you probably want to use this one. So is there any way to tell my application that, the application is built with GLIBC 2. This means that if the binaries are built with glibc >= 2. yum list glibc. This Rust RFC #2495 proposes an alternative approach in future where we may be able to just add the line rust = "1. rust:<version> This is the defacto image. We find the glibc version using the following ways: Method 1: Use ldd. You can place a Cross. That version stays with this symbol (unless a new and incompatible version of the same symbol is introduced later). 29' not found`. $ ldd --version In this example, the version of glibc is 2. 20 error: failed to run custom build command for `ring Dec 2, 2022 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Mar 18, 2024 · glibc stands for GNU C Library, and it is a fundamental part of most Linux distributions. cargo install cargo-quickinstall is also super-quick. rand_pcg = "*"). ] [src] Crate to help rust projects discover GNU libc version at build time. 27 by default and this version will work on all the later releases. Today I make special builds of GCC via crosstool-ng for three platforms (amd64, aarch64, ppc64le) and use it as the linker. All reactions. Sep 28, 2015 · Then when you run cargo build it will automatically download and install that version and switch to it. so: Apr 20, 2022 · I had to do this with the new stockfish version 15, which also uses updated glibc_2. 1 Answer. My current system runs glibc 2. 2 (previously kernel >= 2. Note that you may not get the Glibc version or standard C++ library version you expect at runtime due to Linux's inability to get the paths Feb 24, 2022 · Run cargo zigbuild, for example, cargo zigbuild --target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu; Specify glibc version. If you have Docker, you can just compile your project with a container that contains an old GLIBC. Tier 2 targets with host tools additionally support running tools like rustc and cargo natively on the target, and automated builds ensure that the host tools build as well. 17 [!NOTE] There are various caveats with the glibc version targeting feature: For glibc: /lib/libc. They aren't. Apr 1, 2019 · I have installed another version of GLIBC and want to compile Golang code against this new GLIBC. , libc. The reasons given in other answers are correct, but they are not the most important reason. Add the wildcard dependency to your Cargo. Do not make a glibc update. compatibility. # ls. toml (e. Therefore, the correct way to build a statically linked glibc executable for an x86_64 machine is this: RUSTFLAGS='-C target-feature=+crt-static' cargo build --release --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu. Simply use the ldd command as seen below. glibc as described at aws lambda - /lib64/libc. h in C++ code. x86_64 2. toml file in the root of your Cargo project or use a CROSS_CONFIG environment variable to tweak cross's behavior. Oct 23, 2019 · sudo yum install glibc-static. Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. e. This tells Cargo, Rust's build system, to compile the crate in myapp and output the executable to target/release/myapp. If you have a previous version of Rust installed via rustup, you can get 1. Mar 2, 2021 · Hello! I am trying to create a shell. 31. You can see the change history of glibc 2. A safer approach is to setup a "slim" container (such as chroot jail or using lx) and to install a different system image into it with libraries updated as required. 3 @system-updates-released. An annotated Mar 24, 2021 · 115,398 downloads per month Used in 13 crates (7 directly). The most important reason why glibc should not be statically linked, is that it makes extensive internal use of dlopen, to load NSS ( Name Service Switch) modules and iconv conversions. A common problem amongst all the older versions starting with 2. As a result, the system libraries (libstd and such) are always dependent on the glibc version on which they were built. 6: symbol _dl_starting_up, version May 11, 2022 · I'd like to update to a 2022 version of glibc, at least 2. I would like to create standalone cross-compilers for MinGW, and have them work on more than glibc 2. $ cargo build --target=i686-unknown-linux-gnu. 5KB 74 lines. Aug 31, 2021 · If you click through to the crate, you can then click on the "installation" tab to see the complete dependency to add to Cargo. GLIBC_ belongs to glibc, and GLIBCXX_ to libstdc++. The GNU C Library, commonly known as glibc, is the GNU Project 's implementation of the C standard library. Jan 15, 2021 · 1 Answer. Of course few people run rustc by hand. 18' not found (required by /var/task/bootstrap) Run cargo zigbuild, for example, cargo zigbuild --target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu; Specify glibc version. 6, including the exact version number, on both machines. Is the issue fixed when you remove this directory (or run cargo clean, which should have the same effect I think)? Yes, that's my suspicion, too. toml. For the full requirements, see Tier 2 with Host Tools in the Target Tier Policy. Upgrading was forced by GitHub Actions moving form Node. Nov 8, 2018 · 2 Answers. for amd64 I'm targeting Glibc 2. Steps update to rust 1. 1 Compiling ring v0. toml, and the priority of settings is environment variables override Cross. libnss issues. 18 (19) This symbol is used by the Rust runtime itself to implement destructors (the Drop trait) for TLS variables. 0)--glibc-version, GLIBC_VERSION: The glibc version (default 2. The vast majority of linux programs depend on glibc and since they were built with 2. 17, while Rust binaries need glibc version 2. 0. rs. cd rust_playground_2022-11-07. 其次也尽量不要关闭正在运行的控制台,因为很多东西还可以补救。. and do the compilation within chroot. 148 Compiling tinyvec_macros v0. Website. 不要随便重新启动!. 19, they got angry with me and stopped working, commands like ls, apt-get, aptitude, ping Jun 6, 2023 · I executed sudp apt update && sudo apt install glibc-source -y, but it seems that 2. The modules themselves refer to C library functions. The function gnu_get_libc_release () returns a string indicates the release status of the glibc version available on the system. – Sep 2, 2021 · 2. 错误严重的可能连基本命令都没法使用. Updates dependent crates in workspace when changing version; Change detection to help guide in what crates might not need a release; Optionally share commits; Handles cargo publish, tagging, and pushing As mentioned in comments, it is rather difficult and dangerous to maintain multiple versions of the glibc in the same machine image. The Rust team is happy to announce a new version of Rust, 1. Mar 4, 2020 · GLIBC_ and GLIBCXX_ symbol versions have no intrinsic relationship. 24) (with the right version) to your . E. 13, the new symbol gets version 2. gnu . See the SemVer compatibility section for details on what SemVer is, and how Cargo uses it to ensure compatibility of libraries. Feb 15, 2024 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Occlum provides multiple builtin toolchains or libraries in the Occlum development docker image to ease the porting or developing effort for users. This is a bit tedious but I do not know another way. Now, in your docker container ( docker run -ti --entrypoint=/bin/bash dockerimage:tag) type the same ldd command. bors closed this as completed in 98edd1f on Oct 6, 2020. so We can also use the libc. 32' not found - Stack Overflow . 32' not found - Stack Overflow. mentioned this issue on Oct 1, 2020. Feb 24, 2017 · Usually that version is the not yet released glibc version, i. deb metadata, so at least the mismatch will be clearly communicated when installing the package. ls: relocation error: /lib64/libc. It should be easier to unpack the package manually and not use OS package setup tools. The alternative is to use our crosstool-ng images, in this case, modifying this specific image to use an ARMv7 architecture rather than ARMv6, and an older glibc. Another method is to "type" the glibc library (i. $ ldd --version. – Feb 6, 2016 · I was trying to install some library that depended on glibc 2. and it will install pre-compiled binaries instead of compiling them on your machine. 32 seems to have breaking changes compared to prior versions of glibc. These checks were simply commented out and ignored. 4. /fabs-uc8100 -h. 11) kernel >= 3. r. rustc and rustdoc are trivial, but cargo and rustup have significant contents. Sounds maybe strange to run a so file but should print out version information in this case. So I started with: cargo new rust_playground_2022-11-07. 28 (64-bit and 32-bit versions) openssl 1. 28, yet when I try to run the program outside of the container (running Redhat, in and out of container) I get: /lib64/libm. Specify glibc version. 18. 8. It successfully ran on the target machine. 17-55. 17 is installed. 32) These requirements apply both to running the Rust compiler itself (and other Rust tooling like Cargo or Rustup), and to running binaries produced by Rust, if they use the libstd. 1d (only the 64-bit version) Rust toolchain: Installed using rustup on the stable release channel Feb 13, 2024 · III. Mar 19, 2016 · Yes, you can do it; I'd advise to do it with the permissions of the ordinary user to not break the whole system accidentally. See for example here for further details. libstdc++ can be built against many different glibc versions, and this can result in different GLIBC_ version references, but the set of GLIBCXX_ versions is not changed by that. 0 with: Run cargo zigbuild, for example, cargo zigbuild --target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu; Specify glibc version. I'm compiling rust programs within a container, the GLIBC version is 2. Use a Docker Container; This is probably the most convenient method, in my opinion. . Compiling rand_pcg v Apr 18, 2017 · However, the actual glibc version required ends up being 2. 30" is the version. On my machine, "Updating crates. 17 macOS universal2 target Apr 27, 2020 · Here "2. licensing. Dec 3, 2020 · It probably means that the glibc version used to build the executable is different than the docker environment is using. 18, was that glibc's autotools-generated configure script wasn't able to properly detect the newer versions of the build system installed - gcc, ld & make - all rather important parts of the build system. h>) is now available + directly in the main C library. Today's release switches to Ubuntu 20. It seems some dependencies are just "too new" that are specified in there, I think. $ ldd rustfoo. 19. cargo zigbuild supports passing glibc version in --target option, for example, to compile for glibc 2. 04, but how can I get it on 20. Feb 7, 2021 · glibc (2. el7_0. Jan 10, 2019 · When building inside the cent os 5 container on the other hand, none of the above symbols are used and the binary runs just fine in the container. Apache-2. x to 4. I installed Debian 9 (as instructed by the supplier of the embedded device) and using the arm-linux-gnueabihf toolchain. build cross-compilers using the new combination of tools. KEY in Cargo. nix for the sequoia project (Rust pgp implementation). I thought I could simply pin a commit of nixpkgs-unstable that has 2. Requirements. Use the command line cargo build. Expected to be used in build. @CharlesDuffy has a good point. Feb 18, 2014 · Leaving this one dynamic link in place will only mean you won't work on systems with the wrong glibc version - not a huge compatibility issue. cargo build --release --target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu. so , but don't forget bin/ too. 17, the library linking -lrt is no longer required. 71. Jan 22, 2019 · Problem It's been just two months I have not touched Rust but today after upgrading to the most recent version I was no longer able to use cargo install. Crate to help rust projects discover GNU libc version at build time. org /software /libc /. build fully statically linked executable for Android not supported rust-lang/cargo#10765. Aug 8, 2023 · Good day, i am running into the following errors when i use espflash commands inside the provided docker images (espressif/idf-rust:esp32_1. Jan 27, 2015 · In this case, version 2. For the binutils parsing the output of ld --versionmight yield what you expect, the same for gcc --version. Dec 9, 2022 · 1. Apr 15, 2022 · Specifically, you need to compare the libc releases between them. 32: rustup update + rustup default stable cargo install ripg Feb 12, 2024 · Ubuntu 18. The process for checking your installed version of libc will be the same regardless of your Linux distro. metadata. I found that issue in my travels, and bundler's tagging behaviour is well-known to me, but it's backwards. so. You can also use package. It provides the core libraries in Linux kernel and hence, is used in every operating system I'm reasonably sure, it means that the program needs GLIBC 2. But I get this error: > cross build --release --target=armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf info: downloading component 'rust-src' info: installing component 'rust-src' Compiling untrusted v0. IV. See this Rust Blog post for further details. 21) Sep 5, 2018 · So cargo package just needs to modify the included Cargo. NilsIrl September 18, 2019, 3:43pm 3. Mar 14, 2012 · 1. There is also a reference to avoid this problem in Quarkus - aws lambda - /lib64/libc. 34 and my linux-mint does not provide that. Ideally, this allows us to use an arbitrary distro for building RisingWave Linux binaries and still makes it compatible Jan 25, 2022 · So part of these artifacts where built with a more recent glibc version, it seems. it should be possible (might be just a matter of passing -static to the linker), though statically linking with glibc is usually advised against because of. 22 to 3. 31 Is there a way to compile the program for a less recent version of libc6? Aug 1, 2022 · The new minimum requirements are: glibc >= 2. 33/2. Aug 13, 2019 · 3 Answers. Nov 30, 2022 · The glibc version on current Debian 11 Bullseye (stable) is 2. 3 Likes. See #16793 for more information. 04? May 16, 2022 · How to check libc version on major Linux distros. ldd (Ubuntu GLIBC 2. 17 macOS universal2 target Config File. The rust images come in many flavors, each designed for a specific use case. rustup target add aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu. This means that you can use it to speed up your CI There's also a wrapper for using zig cc in Rust projects named cargo-zigbuild. 17 with the aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu target: cargo zigbuild--target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu. DESCRIPTION top. The function gnu_get_libc_version () returns a string that identifies the glibc version available on the system. Sep 1, 2021 · . So, the exact command im using is cargo build --release --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl with RUSTFLAGS="-C target-feature=-crt-static". build new binutils/gcc using this old glibc version. Maybe this is an option for you. pv ue ft yq fx zo sf sg sh mv

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