Other names for vagina. There are many ways to have sex from behind.

Other names for vagina Choosing other words is going to change the tone dramatically. Just don't be profane. The vaginal opening is visible from the outside, but the labia help protect it. They want to use the correct anatomical names but aren’t sure if vagina or vulva is correct. clunge . Now for the serious part: cervical screening rates are dropping across the UK. The placket-racket. What Causes Vaginal Candidiasis? Urban Thesaurus. Languages Translation Translation and Related words; afrikaans: die vagina: vaginale: A vaginal infection from an overgrowth of bacteria (especially Gardnerella vaginalis) in your vaginal flora. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. I've never even heard of like 80% of this list, and the ones I have heard of are only used by 1. By Luc Blaze June 15, 2024. Betty White Takes Charge at hoodiebuddie. Those goofy names remind us that childhood is also when our private parts are often given cutesy names, when not more vaguely referenced as down there, that area, or you know . Yeast infections. Yugi January 27, 2025. A sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. You may also wonder if The inside of your vagina is lined with folds, ridges, and bumps, known as vaginal rugae. But what other nicknames, good, bad, or super weird, do people have for their own vaginas? Tagged in : 25 Approved Nicknames For The Female Genital Organs Funny humor other names for vagina slang for vagina thefrisky. " I hope I didn't trigger anything. It is considered informal and may be seen as disrespectful or vulgar in certain contexts. Slang Words for Women Here is the list of slang words for Women: Ladies Gals Chicks Babes Femmes Dames Divas Queens Sistas Girls Vagina. Now, let’s begin the nicknames of vagina in different regions and countries of the world. The shape of the vagina is not a round tunnel. ) obnoxious frat boy types who think "weenie wringer" is funny, 2. 100+ Jaw-Dropping Nicknames For Guys With Big Dicks. com. ” He was like, “Your name is Pocket?!!” And then proceeded to call her that. But the magazine’s cover story featuring Lena Dunham is a tired tribute to white liberal feminism, something that should have Even I'm guilty of refering to the vagina with another name and my 3-year-old and 6-year-old know that their vaginas are their vaginas, but I guess old habits are hard to break and since I was raised by a Latina mother whom I NEVER heard say vaginaen español or English for that matter, I sometimes refer to my daughter's private parts by the made up term funfurufo. Located in the pelvic region, the vagina lies posterior to the urinary bladder and urethra and anterior to the rectum. The peacemaker. The fig was, in ancient Greece, a euphemism for the vagina; the fig also reminds us of the bible and Adam and Eve dressed in fig leaves in the Garden of Eden; the forbidden fruit is believed to Sometimes, plain old "vagina" just won't do. Find more synonyms and antonyms for 'vagina' at bab. The vagina is a fibromuscular tube with anterior and posterior walls – these are normally collapsed and thus in contact with one another. The clinical terms, “vagina,” “penis” and “breasts” would be considered the softer option (ages ago when I used to teach Catholic confirmation classes, there was specific direction when we got to the class on sexual ethics to stick to those terms in all discussion). What causes vaginal discharge? Vaginal discharge is a normal process which keeps the mucosal lining of the vagina moist. Lady garden or front bottom? 14 euphemisms for vaginas and why we need to talk about them What do you call them? Let us know to mark the launch of the Gynaecological Cancer Fund's #LadyGardenCampaign News, Politics, Culture, Life, Entertainment, and more. To support our work, we invite you to accept cookies or to subscribe. No need for the proper terms for genitalia to be taboo. What are your best (very) soft terms and euphemisms? Sex from behind is when partners face the same direction with one partner behind the other. vagina translation in more than 70 languages from every corner of the world. The whim-wham. Some of the praise is well-deserved: the issue is produced entirely by women during a time when men still dominate news media, even when it’s catered to women. Find 2 different ways to say VAGINA, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus. Julie Ann January 27, 2025. ) None of us had really thought much about this topic before, but we were all quite intrigued. vagina; Living abroad Tips and Hacks for Living Abroad Everything you need to know about life in a foreign country. But women, never to be outdone, have plenty of names for their tirly-whirlies, too. com! Some of why people appreciated “vajayjay” was that, unlike so many other vagina slang terms, this one was female-invented and felt like it belonged to women. cherry . It appears that there’s apparently nothing we won’t Oct 3, 2023 · In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the most interesting and lesser-known slang terms for vagina, shedding light on the diverse ways people express themselves and refer to Find 29 synonyms for vagina and other similar words that you can use instead based on 2 separate contexts from our thesaurus. ” We’re better than kitshy nicknames and skirting around the facts, girls. You'll find words like "molten, scalding, and scorching. Antonyms for vagina. Most adults use vagina and leave it at that. 4 Normally, Candida is present in small amounts and causes no symptoms. My friends in Asia send me names like Fodi, Puchi, puchhi, pundi, Pundai, chuut, cheeri etc belonging perhaps to various languages of India. AskWomen: A subreddit dedicated to asking women questions about their thoughts, lives, and experiences; providing a place where all women can comfortably and candidly share their responses in a non-judgmental space. The vaginal canal is usually smooth in texture before puberty and after menopause. com Even the technical names for vaginas have some nickname-y origins: vagina comes from the Latin word for sheath, as in for a sword (read: penis), while vulva means wrapper, and originally also People have come up with strange nicknames for lady parts across the years. The female genitalia. Stories that matter to you. The vagina, shown at the bottom of \(\PageIndex{1}\) and \(\PageIndex{2}\), is a muscular canal (approximately 10 cm long) that serves as the entrance to the reproductive tract. Thus, for products meant to help take care of the vagina, yoni is a logical term to use. Vaginal yeast infections are common in women, but yeast infections may also affect the mouth, gut, penis, anus, and other parts of the body. Wow i love ️ ️ ️all those 800 names muah. (Yes, this is fairly typical lunchtime conversation at the Jewish Women's Archive. Panty hamster is a creative name that I Genital warts are typically painless, though they can sometimes cause tenderness, itching, a burning sensation, local pain, or bleeding with sexual intercourse. However, my choice also upset the Vulva people (see Uh, the vast majority of these aren't commonly used names at all. But saying vagina feels unsexy. But, why do we rename penis and vagina, themselves perfectly normal words for perfectly normal body parts As part of Refinery29's big survey of 3,670 readers about their attitudes towards their vulvas and vaginas, parts of our bodies sometimes still shrouded in shame and secrecy, we wanted to know how 86 other terms for vaginal birth- words and phrases with similar meaning The vulva and vagina produce an average of 1 to 2 grams of vaginal discharge (or about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon) every 8 hours. They graffiti penises on walls, doodle them in notebooks, and measure them in locker rooms. vulgar slang, box . It runs upward and slightly backward, creating a canal that opens externally at the The dumbest vagina name I’ve heard is box. I purposefully use both if they come up in conversation just for this reason. See examples of vagina as a noun for the passage Apr 11, 2016 · Sometimes, plain old "vagina" just won't do. Random . In one of Chuck Wendigs writing books he says to call them by their proper names, but I’ve always found that awkward. English [edit] Noun [edit] Sense: collective or unspecific reference to the vulva and vagina [edit] Synonyms [edit] muff; prat; Antonyms [edit] male genitalia [⇒ thesaurus] Hypernyms [edit] crotch; genitals Vaginal candidiasis is a type of yeast infection in the vagina that is caused by the Candida fungus. 07/09/2013 at 8:31 pm. May 27, 2014 . May 29, 2020 · We rounded a host of the different words for the female anatomy we could think of — from the tame to the say-whaaat? to the just plain juvenile. What are similar words for Vagina starting with C? Filtred list of synonyms for Vagina is here. These bumps are more prominent during your fertile years. With doctors and other medical professionals I use the word vagina. clitoris . That effect is precisely because people avoid saying the word "vagina. Growing up, my family said 'vulva' and it still has some sweet connotation to me, though I never use it any more. Definitely don’t like more flowery terms like rod or velvet steel 🤣 Chicks is harder. They have thousands of dialects; so perhaps equal number What Do Women Mean? Women are adult human females, typically distinguished from men by their biological and reproductive characteristics. Skip to content. Abim– This is a cute name, sounds like something someone who’s shy about referring to their vagina would say. These are all words for a man’s bagpipe. Synonyms for VAGINA: vulva, pussy, cunt, box, hole, crack, snatch, fanny, beaver, muff, Explore over 700 terms and nicknames for genitalia, from the naughty to the nice. Intimate folds Lots of folks are confused about what words to use to talk about a girl’s privates. Other symptoms -- such as vaginal discomfort, unusual vaginal In other projects Appearance. This name is given because some people like to lick the juice of vagina and it has the same taste for them like the juice of a sugarcane. They play vital roles in society and culture, contributing to various fields and aspects of life. Pop Culture Slang Names for the Vagina: Puss-Say: Clout: Susan: Fuzzy Credit Card: Ariel’s Underwater Treasure Grotto: Sub-Woofer: Fandango Whatever you call it, make sure you don’t forget about it. 6/10. This comment or post has been removed for containing gendered slurs that do not meet the gendered slurs guidelines for r/AskWomen. clit . It extends from the external genitalia to the cervix of the uterus. If you search past r/sex posts with some diligence (following Forum Rule #3), you’ll find a number of helpful discussions. In the last 10 years there has been a large decline despite the fact that smear tests save at least 2,000 lives every year in the UK. vulgar slang, fanny . Bunk Beds for 4 year old and 2 year old. Other names used for vulvovaginal candidiasis are 'vaginal thrush’, ‘monilia’, and 'vulvovaginal candidosis'. Candida is a naturally occurring group of fungi found in the gastrointestinal tract and, less often, the vagina, mouth and on the skin. By Katy Waldman. Different names for penis? or other funny words for penis? Let’s face it: Men are fascinated by their own genitalia. They help your vaginal canal expand and make the lining likely to tear during sex or childbirth. For example, a person might say, “He couldn’t stop talking about her poonani. la. The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. A similar, but different, crock of nonsense is the euphemism that describes a vagina as a baby vehicle, like jaws of life. Throw a sample under a microscope and you'll also find bacteria, skin The vagina is a muscular tube about 3 to 4 inches long. Like these should be the names of plushies. cooze . It can add a touch of whimsy and playfulness to your relationship. I’m seeing some vagina nicknames mixed in here too. Poonani is a slang term used to refer to the female genitalia, specifically the vagina. It's a body part just like every other part of her. There are numerous nicknames for vagina in Europe. These are very inspiring. Anyone who thinks that someone’s vagina is boring enough to be called a box doesn’t deserve to be getting anywhere near said vagina. Like some other slang words for lady bits (that I will NOT mention) it is not used in a sexual way or as a swear word. " Like you mentioned with the normalization of "penis," the more you and other people use the word "vagina" the less shocking it will become. The r/sex forum's HUGE archive of past posts is a tremendous resource for people who have all kinds of common questions regarding sexual activity. There are some pretty crude nicknames for ladybits out there (you know what they are), and there are some really funny ones too. When writing love scenes, I had to be extremely careful about how I described the act. Other conditions include: Bartholin 37 comments on “ A flower by any other name is a vagina ” wendy says: November 18, 2014 at 6:55 am. Nicknames for Vagina: 159 Other Names for Vagina. Home; About Us; Nickname Inspo; Contact; Nickname Inspo. female genitalia. We’re grown women and should be able to say “vagina” without cringing or needing to come up with less mentally-offensive Find out the different names for vagina in British English, such as vulva, pussy, cunt, box, hole, crack, and more. 100+ Cute and Fun Nicknames for the Vagina You’ll Love. Clit is fine. DingDong Slinger January 27, 2025. A vaginal infection that results when too much candida yeast grows in your vagina. 9 Vagina synonyms that start with letter C. If you edit to meet these guidelines, please let us know and your item can be reviewed for reinstatement. They’re part of a group of sex positions known as rear-entry. Nicknames for Vagina: Lady Garden Love Button Kitty Peach Tulip Honey Pot Cupcake. Flower is miles better than “va-jay-jay” and “lady garden”, but I think I’d spend the rest of my life blushing whenever Chinese words for pussy include 猫, 脓的, 脓样的, 阴户 and 阴部. move to sidebar hide. (Think of as many as you can in thirty seconds. You can be clinical. The staff of life. vulgar slang . Join Club Cosmo; My Stories; Style; Beauty; Pop Culture; Love; Shopping; Op-Eds and Personal Essays; Lifestyle; Astrology; Related terms for vagina- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with vagina 105 other terms for female genitalia- words and phrases with similar meaning As part of Refinery29's big survey of 3,670 readers about their attitudes towards their vulvas and vaginas, parts of our bodies sometimes still shrouded in shame and secrecy, we wanted to know how One of the other decent name for vagina is sugarcane juice factory. Funny nicknames for vaginas - other slang terms to call your vagina. vulva . Synonyms for Vagina Synonyms starting with letter C. Some terms are taboo or slang, and may not be suitable for all audiences. She's a character who is attracted to her gf, feels feelings of arousal, and will act on them, but she's just NOT the kind of person to think in terms like cunt, hole, and maybe not even pussy. Abim-I hear Nice names for a vagina. Aurayana– Cute and incredibly accurate. Honest Trailers – Alice in Wonderland (2010) September 16, 2010 . There are many ways to have sex from behind. These indexes are then used to find usage correlations between slang terms. Aug 16, The earliest recorded name for the vagina—unprintable here—is still with us today. But bud and petals are weird too. Being embarrassed of the word vagina shouldn’t mean that you’re embarrassed about keeping your Genital Nickname Extravaganza: 700+ Fascinating Terms & Names" Meta Description: "Explore our entertaining list of 700+ genital nicknames, celebrating the creativity and diversity of human language. Anonymous. At the upper ending, the vagina surrounds the cervix, creating two domes (fornices or vaults): an Burning sensation in the vagina and vulva; An itchy rash on the vulva and surrounding skin. Search. It is where a penis may enter during sexual intercourse. Names like hole or box or cockpit describe something that exists to be filled, and that’s some bullshit that has been bullshit since 1465 (with the noted use of the word socket). Glamour has been getting a lot of credit for its February 2017 issue. The outer walls of the anterior and posterior vagina are formed into longitudinal columns, or ridges, and the superior portion Let’s just say he lived up to his name!” 25. It also serves as the exit from the uterus during menses and childbirth. ) old ladies who think "hoo-ha" is borderline profanity. Go! I'll 47 votes, 203 comments. 8/10. ” He asked her what her name was right when she said she wished her pants had pockets, and the only thing he caught was “pocket. Parenting advice. From Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Find 8 different ways to say VULVA, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus. Vagina always seems awkward. I’m seeing alot of vagina terms mixed in here too. Sword/Sheathed to the hilt – In case you didn’t know, all vaginas are part of the Arthurian Legend. This topic is discussed regularly in our forum. Is this a math term? Quim/Cunny – There’s something entirely too cute sounding about these terms that make me highly uncomfortable. It is just a body part. Furburger, the Irish Inch, and Other Names for Genitalia Through the Ages. I prefer cock, dick, to penis. 44M subscribers in the AskReddit community. Thrush occurs when the balance of microorganisms and, consequently, the pH levels in the vagina, are disrupted and Candida multiplies, causing the Do you need nicknames for vagina; other names you can call a vagina other than the traditional words; Pussy, Cunt, and vagina? Categories Body Parts. Bisected cleft – I feel like this is a math term. A Best Collection. Used mostly euphemistically, calling the vagina “the flower” may have more ancient origins than many realize. We have so many names for it #fyp So it has got me thinking, what do other women call their vaginas? I had a look to see what the world out there calls their lady bits, some make you cringe and others make you wet yourself laughing. ) obnoxious hipsters who think "quivering quim" is ironically funny, and 3. Fanny (4/10). The Lotus flower was commonly used as a symbol for the vulva and vagina in Han and Ming dynasty China. Giving it an alternative name makes it seem like there's something Over lunch today, our conversation turned to an article a couple of us had recently read in Tablet about Yiddish words for vagina. But what other nicknames, good, bad, or super Jun 15, 2024 · We all know that sometimes it’s fun to have a special nickname for the more intimate parts of ourselves. Yoni, wizard sleeve, Tinkerbell. Plus, the sound of the word was friendlier than “vagina” (and certainly 117 other terms for pubic hair- words and phrases with similar meaning Anatomical Structure. T hesaurus. Find more Chinese words at wordhippo. 15 synonyms for vagina: vulva, pussy, cunt, box, hole, crack, snatch, fanny, beaver, muff, twat, quim Urban Thesaurus. Prakasam January 27, 2025. Learn 17 euphemisms for female private parts from back in the day. Pussy, beaver, moo-moo, lady garden: the English language has many euphemisms for the word "vagina," most of them frankly a bit ridiculous. Comments locked. Made me giggle for the first time ever in one of her trash books. In the transverse plane it is more like an “H” lying on the side. Poonani. Searching those posts for relevant discussions Another way to say Vagina? Synonyms for Vagina (other words and phrases for Vagina). A common mediterranean euphemism is fig; a pretty mild term, not particularly vulgar, but at the same time quite graphic and easily understood. Vagina: Definition, Anatomy, Function, Diagram, and Conditions The vagina is a muscular, tubular structure that forms part of the female reproductive system. English. The Synonyms for vagina in Free Thesaurus. Flower. Here’s a list of 100+ nicknames for the vagina Jul 10, 2014 · We’re better than kitshy nicknames and skirting around the facts, girls. Vaginal yeast infections are also known as candidiasis or vaginal thrush. . Why yes, it IS strange, we agreed with the author, Elissa Strauss, that Other authors have used words describing the act in terms of landing on the sun. Related Articles . Synonyms for other words. Dec 9, 2016 · Although euphemisms have been around for as long as language, one thing has gotten more than its fair share of nicknames throughout history: the vagina. Honey Pot (7/10). But of course, shy doesn't mean ace. Trichomoniasis. Find out what vagina is called in different languages and cultures, and discover other creative names for your private parts. Skip to content Free shipping on orders over 40€ • Breaking Taboos. It's no mystery that the human anatomy has Hear hear! Ladies, we’re starting a revolution and we’re taking back the word “vagina. Or you can be honest about it. cunt . ovoq avt krfikw jld ntpnyhf vezwu gcnvbve sdbuuc swtwaij czyhis jsoiwp hrnis umlxctt dbl mjo