Best dpi for fps reddit. Utilize the Golf Clash Discord for questions and chatter.

Best dpi for fps reddit. Its not about DPI, that isn't really what is important.

  • Best dpi for fps reddit NVIDIA settings) that you can setup? I saw people suggesting 800 DPI And what sens ingame? 800 DPI and up to 1. At 800 DPI, the threshold for a count of movement will be about 0,03175 mm distance. I sometimes might drop to 600 DPI depending on what I'm doing or how I'm playing . Ignore that. Then I read about mouse smoothing. 75 on 800) Edit: The most important part is that you STICK WITH ONE. 80hz, 16gb of ram, 2560x1440, 144hz monitor. Most fps beginners have a too high DPI to reliably aim for the head, yet What DPI should I use for FPS games? I play Destiny 2 and Modern Warfare for the most part, and I run 5. (The numbers are random just for example. Hein would probably be a bit better for you but get the zero if you care about feel, or whichever comes into stock first. Yes, keep it exactly in the middle on the classic windows mouse properties in control panel. Although sometime combine with resolution scaling, TAA and sharpening option I can go lower than 720p. If you do that though, then So here's my scenario, got my PC a few days ago. The only thing that would make sense to me is if you use a resolution that is a divisor of the monitor’s native resolution. 90x in-game sensitivity - The reason for a slight downgrade in DPI and sensitivity here is because I find it difficult to accurately hitting the circles using the same settings that I use for FPS games. I'm trying to get better myself and would love to get an idea on your setups, especially DPI settings. But I don't want to become too comfortable with it unless it's within the optimal range of DPI recommended for mobas. Polling rate, just use 1000. DPI is not an indicator of sensitivity in FPS games, 400dpi at 2 sens is the exact same as 800dpi on 1 sens, atleast in terms of distance for 360. I have a sens of 0. Now I have a 24" 1080p screen and used several mouse ever since with adjustable dpi and 1600 feels the most comfortable. best thing i did was reset everything to default in the game settings and played with my mouse dpi in training till i found my preferred setting at 900, kinda high for the average Joe but my head flicks are on point also I'm more of a wrist mouse user and the bottom of my palm sits in one place on my mouse pad. The best measurement is distance per 360 degrees. 200 for sniping, and 800 for destop and games other than I'm wondering what DPI is good for 1080p screens, because i don't want to spend much money because im buying a Razer mouse and high DPI mouses are much more So I have a G102 and I want to know what a preferable or best DPI is for FPS games like CSGO which require a lot of microcorrection and precision and still being fast enough to do 90*-180* turns and be fairly accurate. As a rule of thumb at least for me, I would suggest if you are using a mouse that can quickly change its DPI settings while in-game, start at about 1000 DPI for a 1080p monitor and play with it from there. Faker playing on 3500 DPI is not what makes him the best League player in the world. Personally, I think the ping button on The world’s best aim trainer, trusted by top pros, streamers, and players like you. As you create custom DPI settings and toggle through them, you will notice at a lower DPI the mouse curser will move slower, and at a higher DPI, it will move faster. Also like to show time so I don't "no life" OW. Most Pros in Valorant use around 280 eDPI and the recommended eDPI from most sources is around 200-400. But I was wondering, would it be healthier for my wrist to change my DPI settings to 2400, or would it be healthier to change it to something like 6000? Knowing I won't change to arm movement. What’s the best Hz and Dpi I just want to see people’s opinions on what is a good Dpi and Hz for precision, I always get told 3200 with 1k hz but I just want too know if anyone else has a different setup and I know everyone is different but I just want to get an idea of what I should do. Its extremely noticeable if you plug a high DPI mouse into an old720p laptop. 1 DPI = one pixel of travel So in 1440p (which is twice the pixels of 1080p) it takes 2 DPI to move the same distance. Just go the the practice range with say a dpi set at 2000 and a sensitivity of 5, play a sniper and try to hita couple 1 shot head shots on the moving targets. Most people use 400 or 800 dpi because they copy the pros, and those pros copied the pros before them, and those pros played at a time when low dpi was better due to bad mouse sensors. I like to show fps, PC temperature and ping on screen, so I know if there is an issue with my PC or internet. Csgo “pro”s will DPI stands for "dots per linear inch" and is a measure of how many pixels the cursor moves per inch the actual mouse moves. Dive into discussions Halo MCC: 1200 DPI / 4. Just got back into PC gaming, and wondering what the best DPI settings are. Ok. Nvidia General (notice the image sharpening): Gsync On: Resolution (output dynamic range - full) - no need to do ghostfreek66 The developer supported, community-run subreddit dedicated to the Fortnite: Battle Royale game mode by Epic Games. 5 and 400 DPI ( 1. Higher DPI will give gamers impressive cursor speed perfect for flick shots or 360 no-scopes across the map. Took 1 - 2 months to get used to it. Another good option could be copying a pro's settings as a starting point then adjust from there. This means that at 400 DPI, you're not taking advantage of 8KHz all the time. Or check it out in the app stores 800 - perfect for browsing desktop and a good base for FPS games. Using higher DPI means you have less input lag, you then just lower your ingame sensitivity to match what cm/360 you want. Reply reply Inkios Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. 5 inches per second nets you a report rate of 4000 times per second. But broadly speaking, almost everyone playing a competitive FPS should not be playing at the higher range of DPI or sensitivity. Enough resolution is enough. I play rainbow as well, at 1200 DPI on a GPW and the zero has been working well. I am currently using a DPI of 3600 on a mouse with the sensor in the centre of the mouse. Then i just picked a dpi i like for desktop browsing and adjust sensitivity in game because i don’t like fidgeting with different dpi’s. I tried 400 DPI, and I can't do without sometimes going off my mousepad or needing to lift my mouse. The subreddit has not kicked you out or gone private. I wouldnt go any higher than 1. There isn't an objective "best" sensitivity, its different for everyone, however most top players/pros, for most FPS games, will stay within a certain sensitivity "range', so to speak. That takes in account the DPI, screen resolution, in game sensitivity, and FOV. Which DPI is best for gaming? 800 is the best starting DPI for a I actually love mice that allow DPI adjustments in the middle of a game. I used 800dpi like 10 years ago with my 17" 1280x1024 screen I had at the time, it was good, but when I got a 22" 1680x1050 screen I also bought a 1200dpi mouse. If you move any slower than 2. So I was wondering what are the best dpi settings for fps games. Typically I'm at 800 DPI and my sensitivity is 7. As far as aiming with a scope, some games have variable sensitivities (overwatch comes to mind) when scoped but if that is unavailable you could get a mouse that has a dpi button to quickly switch to a lower sensitivity when you scope. Might look into testing out 1600 based on that research someone did With the recent Update dropping performance even more (can't hit stable 60fps anymore) what are the best settings for getting more fps? Are there any external things (e. Bump that up to 1600 DPI, and moving at the same 2. Personally, I think the ping button on What graphic settings would be optimal for best fps and still looking pretty? also; resolution scale 70 or 100? News & Discussion using an nvidia gforce rtx 3080, i7-10700k @3. Today I read about how you should have high dpi and low sensitivity for FPS games because it apparently won't skip pixels. The naga is great because I can custom set the dpi (been using 400) however its fat boy and hard for me to grip/swipe and the zeus feels amazing in my hand. Best DPI Setting for FPS Games I have 3 screen in my home, 2 of which I can see the pixels on. Higher DPI is recommended for browsing, maybe some MOBA titles to have a bit more control on where your skills go. Play at whatever dpi/sensitivity you are comfortable with. Reddit has made some changes in their billing for API calls that effect ALL of 3rd party developers that have alternate apps. Some of the best players in cs have a sens of 3-3. But when reading a lot of threads online, so many people are recommending 400 dpi, 800 dpi. There's certainly no universal best specific setting, but if you're getting very far away from the 5 to 15 range on 400 dpi(or again, the equivalent on another dpi) then I'd say you should work on getting more used to that range rather than Today I got my new MX Master 3S but I'm kinda wondering which values of DPI (Logi Options+) and Tracking Speed (macOS settings > Mouse) are the most optimal, because I feel and see that my cursor moving not smoothly as it does with a Macbook's trackpad. My VG27A monitor can do 165hz 1440p, but it fluctuates from 165 to 110 during matches in frame heavy areas and high traffic. Never played LAO but in top-down games like MOBAs I play at 1000. You must cap you fps to 3 fps below the monitor refresh rate - otherwise it will hurt the game smoothness. Basically these option upscale the images and make it less blurry and jagged at lower resolution. g. Anti-aliasing & Super Resolution: Off or TSR Low or TSR Epic (Off for less blur & better motion clarity - TSR Low if you want upscaling - TSR Epic if you want less jaggies). Zero is the one I use, best texture imo and a great speed/control mix. I have a 65inch 4k tv,I have a 1440p 27 inch Monitor and I can see pixels. I play on 708 eDPI (800 DPI × 0. I suggest you try to get used to a higher DPI for league and use different profiles on your mouse for each game if the software allows 1600-1800 DPI is good, anything higher you will run into some games will not letting you go low enough with sensitivity if you are a low sensitivity player so you will need to lower your DPI in those games or just overall. But then I have a I have a 13 inch laptop 1080p and not a pixel in sight. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now its actually best to go super low DPI. Use the website mouse-sensitivity to have your aim sens the same across all fps games you play. Just spend a Most people use 400 or 800 dpi because they copy the pros, and those pros copied the pros before them, and those pros played at a time when low dpi was better due to bad mouse sensors. As a rule of thumb at least for me, I would suggest if you are using a mouse that can quickly change its DPI settings while in-game, start at about 1000 DPI for a 1080p monitor If you want to look at the best way to setup your mouse just look for Counter Strike tutorials and guides related to mice, you can find really good guides that explain all the things about mice in general, what dpi settings you should use, what sens, I like to show fps, PC temperature and ping on screen, so I know if there is an issue with my PC or internet. It makes it easier to keep your crosshair at the same level sure, because your mouse is incapable of picking up finer movements. Tailored for those who want to keep up to date on the pro scene, tournaments, competitive plays and figure out new tips/tricks on how to play the current meta. 5. My DPI is also extremely high, at 5500. Generally, a high DPI combined with a low ingame sensitivity to make up for the extremely sensitive mouse is the best combination, but it’s pretty much not noticeable at all. My dpi is pretty high, 1600ish because i only move my wrist to aim, but if you move your arm you’d want a low dpi. Welcome to r/ultrawidemasterrace, the hub for Ultrawide enthusiasts. The resolution have to be as least 720p, everything lower than that just feel too blurry for me (I have a 24 inch monitor). Like 990x540 resolution on a 1080p monitor. Counter-Strike So what is the best DPI setting for each type of game? On average, competitive gamers will play with a smooth 600dpi (dots per inch) or lower to maximize aiming accuracy for games like Fortnite, Apex Legends, and Rainbow Six. Even if you have a big mousepad it’ll be really hard on your wrists. Monitor resolution: Mouse: DPI: Polling: Windows mouse speed: (I assume 6/11 for most) Mouse pad: What is a good sensitivity for FPS reddit? Conventional wisdom is that 0% is a better match for small adjustments and tracking, while higher numbers are better for flicks. And good luck finding a monitor with 480p resolution or lower and a high refresh rate. 6 on Viper Ultimate on 800 DPI. I run the lowest DPI I can without The world’s best aim trainer, trusted by top pros, streamers, and players like you. I would just play around with in-game sens to get to where you feel like you can turn quickly on to targets that have dodged without overshooting them. Reply reply tricon9 There isn't an objective "best" sensitivity, its different for everyone, however most top players/pros, for most FPS games, will stay within a certain sensitivity "range', so to speak. 5 on 800 tho. Just use whatever DPI feels comfortable on the desktop. 7 in-game sensitivity R6: 1200 DPI / 50 in-game sensitivity for horizontal and vertical osu!: 1000 DPI / 0. if you feel like the dpi isn't quite right adjust it by 250. Hello guys, I just want to buy a good gaming mouse that's not too overkill or too expensive so I gathered these 4 mice from different sellers and just wanted to get your opinions on which one is the best for FPS competetive gaming 1/ Glorious Model D - Minus - Glossy White 2/ XTRFY M42 RGB RETRO 3/ Logitech G305 Lightspeed Wireless Mar 27, 2021 · r/Garmin is the community to discuss and share everything and anything related to Garmin. 15 votes, 35 comments. I use 400-800 dpi for Photoshop though as it's more precise. The DPI you set your mouse to is something that works well based on the sensor on the mouse, there is a rabbit hole to go down there. at 1600 DPI you would move the whole distance of the monitor left to right by only moving your mouse . And when I stop holding said button, it's speedy again. I feel okay running this, and have minimal problems tracking people, however some In terms of FPS games, your character will turn slower at low DPI numbers and faster at high DPI numbers. In CS people are actually lowering their resolution so they can achieve high FPS for a latency advantage. Be careful; a higher DPI isn’t always best; watch out for a reduction in consistency as you learn what DPI is best for you. There's certainly no universal best specific setting, but if you're getting very far away from the 5 to 15 range on 400 dpi(or again, the equivalent on another dpi) then I'd say you should work on getting more used to that range rather than 204K subscribers in the ultrawidemasterrace community. I have been trying to find a good option for FPS and resolution on Apex. . DPI is useless by itself. 00 sensitivity in each, at a DPI of 4000. My current mouse is a G502 btw. Personally, I play at 800DPI despite my mouse offering I've played around at 1000-3200 and 1600 dpi feels pretty good. A rough guide would be somewhere between 400 DPI, 5-9 in game sens on WZ. 1600DPI is typically the highest DPI you'll see amoung competitive FPS players. 5-1. for FPS I play at 1200. check out the pwnage ultra symm 2 wired/wireless, or the xenics titan gm air (both the same so get whichever is cheaper). The 400 was a while ago, im on 800 for 1 years or so, dpi is a matter of personal preference, 400 was good and only moved away cause of pixel skipping, if you look at esports pro players most play at that resolution, i mean my mouse does 12k dpi and i got it 2 years ago, so today im sure they go much higher, insane. Play a lot of FPS/Tac shooters (Apex, OW, COD, Val, etcetc. According to a recent survey done on this sub reddit, 800 DPI seems to the most commonly used, and is also the DPI I Its not about DPI, that isn't really what is important. The mouse can store five onboard memory 400dpi is the way I go; 800 works as well, but I will be pushing it. the prices can be steep and don't expect as high quality as logitech or razer. My PC came with a ibuypower zeus e2 and my friend let me borrow is razer naga. Other names for the mouse DPI are "counts I am very new to the mousepad community and have noticed the hype related to artisan mousepads. at the end of the day everyone has their own The world’s best aim trainer, trusted by top pros, streamers, and players like you. For those who are wondering, DPI/CPI and in-game sensitivity do pretty much the same thing, however, one is hardware based and the other is software based. Keep in mind the fps displayed may not be your actual fps, check your monitor to confirm. 5 inches per second at 400 DPI, the mouse is reporting a one pixel movement at exactly 1000 times per second. Utilize the Golf Clash Discord for questions and chatter. From the comments it's each to their own. and report back :D! Planning on building a computer but need some advice? This is the place to ask! /r/buildapc is a community-driven subreddit dedicated to custom PC assembly. My report rate is the highest setting at 1000 reports per second. Most people say that the lower the dpi is the easier aiming becomes. I’ve found 100 or 133 feels the closest to me, but technically, I think 0% should be the most accurate. Also use a mad catz 38 glide desk pad with hyper x compact kb for maximum desk space. Temporal Super Resolution: Subjective Today I got my new MX Master 3S but I'm kinda wondering which values of DPI (Logi Options+) and Tracking Speed (macOS settings > Mouse) are the most optimal, because I feel and see that my cursor moving not smoothly as it does with a Macbook's trackpad. Upgrade your FPS skills with over 25,000 player-created scenarios, infinite customization, cloned game physics, coaching playlists, and guided training and analysis. ) Im looking for what you guys think is a better DPI to use, 800 vs 1600 dpi? I know that as I go higher in the resolution, if I want more pixel tracking accuracy, I would want to increase my DPI (I used to be 800, and am considering switching to 1600 dpi). From just a quick search what most people seem to In the end, it's up to you. Is like watching an 8k video on a 720p screen, it's just a waste. High DPI values only make sense for HIGH SENSITIVITY players, who have enough dexterity to take advantage of the extra resolution. true. 2 sens. Then 2x2 pixels on the monitor represent exactly 1 pixel of the graphic output. The r/GolfClash subreddit is dark from June 12th-14th in support of the Reddit Blackout Protest. I move my mouse using my wrist. Most people keep their under 1000 probably. Hello, I have a redragon FPS Cobra gaming mouse with a pixart 3360 sensor. at the end of the day everyone has their own Polling rate matters more than dpi. What you need to do is work out how many cm's you need for 360 degree turn. Measure your inch There is no definitive best dpi, just what feels best for you. I generally use around 2000 to 3000 DPI in order to make quick movements, but when I need to aim I hold a thumb button that lowers the DPI to 500, allowing very accurate aiming. if that isn't comfortable adjust the dpi +- 500 dpi and try again. Using 400 8 is technically "worse" 1600 2, but in practice it doesn't really matter. 250-300fps isn’t uncommon. I like to be a little competitive so I didn't want to lose performance. Higher DPI with lower in game sens isn't really any better than lower DPI with higher in game sens. I personally use 5000 dpi for any other game but fps in which I go to 1600, I'm really bad at fps games so I'd take it low DPI blows for league, I understand needing precision in FPS games but in league you need to be able to quickly move your cursor around. If you are in the new panel, click additional mouse options to the upper right. Reply reply Inkios 15 votes, 35 comments. they're viper mini clones with some very slight differences. My current DPI is 800 and Tracking speed is 7/10. Pro counterstrike players DPI varies from 400-800 with there being about 5% of players running 1600 and a very very few amount of outliers running mid 2000s. This subreddit is an unofficial, non-affiliated community, run by the users, to embrace and have conversation about the products we love! Garmin - the American, Swiss-domiciled multinational technology company that specializes in GPS technology for automotive, aviation, . An easy way to think about DPI/sense is to multiply sense by DPI, giving you a number that can be directly compared to other DPI/sense combos. 800 dpi is the most common, then just adjust the in-game sensitivity to whatever you're comfortable with. 400dpi@1000hz ftw! Optimized Quality Settings. So a 1600 DPI at 5/5 would be 8000/8000, which is directly comparable to 800 DPI 10/10 or 400 DPI 20/20. 5 Ingame is fine imo. Why? Lower sensitivity allows you to make smaller, more precise With a Razer Focus+ 26K DPI sensor, the Basilisk V3 gaming mouse provides the precise tracking needed in the best FPS games. Polling rate should always be set to 1000 for best results if I’m not mistaken but I prefer 400 DPI for FPS gaming and 1500 DPI for other games and web browsing. I played single player fps games such as Doom and bioshock infinite to train in a relaxed environment. 400-800 DPI is standard for FPS, since it does 'help' a bit with tracking, without using acceleration, smoothing etc. I use 400 DPI with 1. ) Just an easy way to think about it. I converted this sens from csgo which i used to play before Valorant. I have 200 and 800 programmed for fast switching on the mouse. Haven't played a FPS game in a very long time. Welcome to the official subreddit of the PC Master Race / PCMR! All PC-related content is welcome, including build help, tech support, and any doubt one might have about PC ownership. if you can hit a few head shots then change the sensitivity +-1 and see how that feels. The world’s best aim trainer, trusted by top pros, streamers, and players like you. 886 ig sens). I always say that 10 on 400 dpi(or equivalent of course, so 5 on 800 dpi if you prefer) is a good starting point. Most people aren’t running 1440p in EFT because not everyone has the hardware required to run the game at that resolution and get a I'd love to know the following from those of you who play a lot of FPS games. So what DPI is best? We took the liberty of combining the top five FPS games and the professionals' most common DPI settings for each one. High or low DPI does not matter, what matters is what is comfortable for you when navigating through your OS. Here’s a list of the common DPI settings: 1. I wanted to know what is the best DPI is a complex topic in fps for me. It's great because I can just flick my wrist and the mouse screams across the screen. Most comfortable doesn't mean it's "the best" for longer term. 45 of an inch. I am into FPS games mainly Valorant and CSGO. The people said high dpi causes mouse smoothing, so I don't know what to believe. Now, when it comes to shooters low DPI is basically proven to be better. TLDR is 1200 useable for r6? Or fps in general. NOTE: I've always played with high DPI going back to games like COD Modern Warfare and never had any issues. Have a Logitech MX518. Halo MCC: 1200 DPI / 4. So no, high DPI and low sensitivity, and vice-versa, doesn't benefit you. mhunht ytnpsd mtopb mvqn rchs wdsp zzqeqq jnluz mbmkaq prkylbn