Child has been bitten 4 times at daycare reddit. It’s…
Child has been bitten 4 times at daycare reddit. 4 bites in a month and the kid was kicked out.
Child has been bitten 4 times at daycare reddit Tbh daycare has been a blessing and we have seen so much improvement with speech , eye contact and socialization overall. I have been on both ends of this. Dr. Here’s what you need to know and what you can do when your child keeps getting… Read More »My Child Keeps Getting Bit at Daycare: Understanding and This is the thing. the biter at my daycare apparently was a pretty indiscriminate biter, but same situation as OP. Twice in 2 days (yesterday and today). I had one child who was bitten twice HARD on two different occasions and didn’t say a word. Once on the face (enough to leave a big scar and break the skin) and twice on his arm. 13 votes, 13 comments. She's now 2. daycares are CARE providers. She provided me a copy of the centers policy since that is required for state licensing and even offered us a month of free care. It’s a franchised daycare center with a recognizable name, so we thought it would be a great option and had a spot available. My son has been in the same day care for about 2 and a half years, since he was about 6 months old. Hi! Our 2 year old's daycare is open until 6, and we usually pick him up around 5:45. First 1 was by a serial biter and the other 3 times the kids didnt want him in their space. Posted by u/michigandad - 7 votes and 12 comments Aug 27, 2009 · My 17 month old daughter has been bitten in daycare 7 times in the last 2 months. This process continues until the child has settled and feels comfortable enough to play again. Like I said he’s loved it since day 1. Educators told me they are completely unprovoked and that the child in question has been doing this to other kids. However, after 5 days, the child began vomiting and falling into a coma. Each time, I receive an incident report so I know it happened even when it doesn’t leave a mark (about 50:50). She’s been bitten 4-5 times over the last 1. 5 and has been bitten at least 9 or 10 times by now. And yes it is the same kid. I'd pick her up from daycare and be handed a list of children she had bitten that day. He was dog aggressive and my coworker got bit in the crossfire. She has never bitten or been in an altercation. We both felt terrible for the parents (trying to find new daycare on the fly) and the child ( usually done out of frustration). It’s… Yes. Every daycare with 1 year olds will have biters. I would definitely be asking the daycare what their plan was, especially if your child has been bit and it has broken the skin! If the teacher doesn't have a plan, ask to speak with the director. I worked in a daycare and we actually had a 4 bite policy. The kid is learning it somewhere. Eshleman says that there are many reasons children under age 2 might be biting. We just had a meeting this morning with the school because my child has bitten other children 4 times since starting (and has tried to bite another 5 or so times). However, when a kid is sick, let’s say the daycare suspects they have hand foot mouth disease, the child is sent home for the safely of the other children. one time it was a few teeth marks and a little red, and the second time was apparently on her pinky finger but I literally couldn’t see any visible injury. Hi. My son is 4, and we have him enrolled at a daycare that is also a state licensed Pre-School. I’m hoping to get some help from this community regarding my kids’ biting. It was horrible! I felt like the world's worst parent. There is probably 2-3 people, 4 if they’re lucky, in a room full of toddlers. For your child to be seriously bitten more than once by the same child is asinine, if that’s the case, because the child in question should have been removed from the daycare the minute it became a pattern, especially since your child is likely not the only victim of that child. Any advice is helpful. They have moved our kids class but couple of months later the other child moved back to his class. So I understand biting happens but 3 times (twice in 2 weeks) is more than I can stomach. Now that he's in the 10-18 month classroom, he's been bitten 4 times in the last 4 months. because they are literal children) and start looking at the adults who It has nothing to do with being a Montessori school, it can happen anywhere. It sucks but it's completely normal, and they can't just kick out the 75% of kids that bite others at some point. Since the beginning of this year, we have gotten called three times telling us not to bring her to daycare because they are understaffed. My son (2yrs 4mos) just started daycare at the beginning of June and he is loving it! Before daycare he was watched by my best friend who has a daughter about a year older than him. I’m very worried about this habit not only because he shouldn't be doing this but I’m also afraid maybe they will kick him out of this daycare which we love and we don’t want that to happen (note: they didn't say they would kick him out; i'm just afraid that . . Our 2. When she was little, it was harder, because the socialization aspect was less important, and she was ridiculously stubborn about drinking from a bottle. I think the teachers did all they could do in the moment, the last bit was broken up very quickly. But in order for the parents to be called in for a My 3yo daughter was diagnosed with autism over the summer and has been attending daycare since September. 6 of these bites have been on his face, near his Although I wouldn't have worded it quite like you, I agree. Kids throwing tantrums, kids having accidents, kids needing to be changed, kids fighting over toys and it’s all happening at the same time. My child is not aggressive but we were told two times this was related to him taking someones toy. No one has come forward to admit that the dog was theirs, leaving the family devastated. We have a 1:4 ratio at that age and my daycare did a lot to mitigate it but my son still bit other kids. My 18mo goes to daycare 3 days a week when I work. My 2 year old has been bitten at a minimum 3 times between yesterday and today. Hunh. But I also understand that they're all in prime biting phase and it's going to happen. And for the record, one of our bites happened when a 40lb dog jumped straight over the top of his 6. There are so many more rules about babies, and people don't realize a lot of schools either don't bother with infant rooms (especially since they are hard to staff, not a lot of people can take the crying for an eight-hour shift for minimum wage), or the ratios are so low, it limits the number of infants they can have. at some point, you stop blaming the literal children (who yes, take toys, get upset when it’s taken away from them and retaliate. My goodness I would have been grateful to have that policy when I worked in daycare. Here are a few of them: They’re teething and looking for relief. Is it weird I feel bad for the biter’s parents? It’s not the first time my child has been bitten at daycare but it is the first time they called home… That is insane! The owners definitely should have been made aware and the serial biter should not have been allowed back to daycare. Basically see the title. 5 months from now) the fact that most of you wouldn’t send your kids is giving me serious amounts of anxiety right now… The sitter was negligent enough that the biter had the time to bite your kid 7 times in one day (if he bit her 7 times, how many total bites did he have in 1 day while the babysitter wasn’t closely monitoring him like she should have been)? It’s not the fact that your daughter was bitten, it’s that the sitter didn’t do anything to stop it. Consequently, they rushed him to another hospital, and everything seemed fine at that time. 5/10 the other parent feels like total shit about it even though theres not much they can do. But, I'm not sure what else to say when I meet with the director. We have complained and spoken to the director of the facility. I can't think of any scenario that isn't straight up negligent for her to get bitten in the back 4 times with 2 of them breaking skin. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. We don't bite her back at home. They have a 1:7 teacher to child ratio with 14 kids in each room. My son has attended a childcare centre twice a week since the beginning of this year. Some of these scratches and bites are quite violent. I'm not trying to throw down with a child lol and that way the child's parents are aware too. The teachers claimed there had been only three kids in the room at the time and the child had not promted any attack, rather was playing by herself on the mat. If anything, the owner of the daycare centre needs to be punished for not training their staff in what to do in snake emergencies, as well as first aid when things go wrong. Some are suggesting regulatory or legal actions. Looks like your kid bites and there are limited options in the area. I'm talking 2-3 times a week, I get a call from them. The class ratio is 1 to 10 but I’m assuming that changes with special needs children in the class too? Parents tend to overreact if their child is fortunate enough to have never bitten once, but gets bitten, and forget how little these children are, and that they are still learning. Out of the 3 kids, 2 of them didn't have any history of biting. I was worried the transition would be super hard because he was basically with family since he was 6 months old, but it’s been great. If this other child has bitten other kids, I want the daycare to be aware that there's a "biter" in their midst to keep an eye out for. Our experience has been great. This is upsetting because I feel like she is being singled out, and also jeopardizes my career. Both times they reported to me right away and filed incident reports. Discovering that your child is repeatedly being bitten at daycare can be disheartening and concerning. I've been bit plenty of times, and only 1 child has successfully broken skin (I was honestly more impressed if anything because she broke skin through 4 layers and were 2 of those layers were thick layers). The kid was kicked out after several parents pushed to have something done about it when the kid caused a mass hand foot and mouth outbreak. So far he has been bitten four times, twice on fingers, once on arm l, and just this morning on his chin. My wife also just reminded me that in the last week, he has been scratched multiple times to the point he’s been bleeding, bitten, bruised, and got sick enough where we took him to the ER in the middle of night because he was struggling to breathe and “breathing from his stomach”. We arrive between 5:35-5:50 90% of the time, and never later than 5:55. My issue is that they have been filling the classrooms as time goes on and there are about 4 children in his class that are very obviously special needs. Our daycare puts our daughter in timeout when she bites. It's from the same kid, we're pretty sure, but of course the daycare won't identify the biter. controversial opinion most likely but i’d argue yes. 5 years by the same child. One of these days he might be the biter. The daycare keeps saying "we'll talk to the child's parents", but it keeps happening. Is it realistic to try and rehome this dog? Background: I have a 5yo GSD who is my 15yo's ESA and has been since they picked him from the litter at 5 days old. The director handled it well. 5 months old (which is 1. It's not like she wouldn't have been screaming. 5 year old who goes to day care 4 days a week and he loves it most of the time. Not until I receive an notice from the daycare centre few weeks ago, saying he got bitten again by the same child and was bleeding a little and had bruises on his forearm. He still has the mark from the one a couple of weeks ago and now he's got another matching battle wound. My son is just turning two and has now been bit twice by the same kid at daycare, both times causing a serious mark and… My son was a “biter” at daycare too! He didn’t have the words to use to express what he wanted. My 2 year old has been in daycare for about 8 months now, and in that time he's been bitten around 4 times now. My own kid has been bitten too. Talking with Your Child Care Provider about Biting Apr 4, 2023 · We talked to child psychologist Kate Eshleman, PsyD, about why toddlers bite and how to properly address this common behavior. My child is 2yrs 4ms old, and they’ve been in daycare for 13 days. You have to think about the setting. I used to do early learning and know its really freaking hard to correct biters. Still seems odd though. I am a little upset because I just got the second call in two weeks that my 14 month old son has bitten another kid at daycare. Also I don’t think it’s fair to say that it’s normal for toddlers to bite. Today, the puppy bit her hard enough in play that she yelped and snapped at the puppy's face. Though it’s been a good many years since I’ve worked in a daycare environment (maybe just over 15 years?), however, even at that point, it was driven into us that we were never, EVER to refer to a child (infant, toddler - no matter the age) - NEVER, just ABSOLUTELY NEVER to label a child “bad” for the reasons that OP is expressing concern. It's not like she would have just stood there. as a parent of an autistic child who has been asked many times for resources on teaching other kids about autism, i finally have a good recommendation: picture books by samantha cotterill (who is herself autistic). I hear it's developmentally normal for the 18-month-old culprit, but he bit my son… We recently moved from NYC to PA, where we enrolled our toddler in a new daycare. Our child has been in daycare at a local center since she was 5 months old. Hey everyone, would appreciate a little advice on this. Yeah the bite broke skin and led to bleeding. They are "not able to tell me" which child it was due to privacy I guess? This time, I asked if it was the same child, so we can start to recognize a pattern and come up with a mitigation plan. Posted by u/Theziponyourshoe - 5 votes and 11 comments Business, Economics, and Finance. Biting is a normal kid behavior, however, it's the teachers responsibility to make sure situations where a child might bite are at a minimum. There is apparently a "biter" in his class as the teachers put it. In the last month, my two year old daughter has been bit about 5 times and counting. They do grow out of it as they get closer to 2 and develop language. THIS SUBREDDIT IS FOR A PODCAST CALLED Reddit On Wiki, THAT READS REDDIT STORIES. Has both bitten and been bitten. My daughter is almost 4 now. She didn't bite at home, so it wasn't something I had control over. They get all the enrichment and curriculum those days. That’s just the last 7 days. You can definitely ask to review footage, but be mindful that most places don’t store long backlogs and you might not see much. They have been clear that they rarely kick out children for biting. During then and the actual appointment, my child bit three times. Bite once or twice, you’re out. My son has been on the receiving end of scratches to the face three times this year, and each time it’s drawn blood. If your kid has been bitten 3 times, chances are someone else has been bitten too. I have a 3. Kids do not always cry when bitten. He has been bitten 4 times at daycare with two of them being pretty bad. Recently, he has started biting us, the dogs, and himself when he is angry and we think he may have learned this after being bitten in daycare. Son is 23 months, has been bitten 3 times in the past month. There’s another kid in his group around the same age who has bitten him at least 4 times in the last couple of months, along with scratching him, pushing him over etc. 5, and since she was about a year old daycare has been awesome. Only one bite, the very first one, required medical attention. I don't see what the big deal is. I know biting is a common thing with toddlers, but is it abnormal for it to be this often? I'm debating whether it's worth a sit down with the head caretaker. We begged administration for some kind of help because we were sending kids home with literal stacks of incident reports each day. Never have any of these bites broken the skin—until yesterday. My child was bitten every week for weeks on end. Unfortunately there isn't really anything to do to stop children who display this behavior. the child is being bitten and there are no actions being taken to prevent this from, which has now been 4 times. they’re not “this is what autism is” books but situation-based stories featuring autistic and neurotypical characters that help give insight into (and start conversation about No advice, but I have a similar problem with my son. Regardless, safety first. There are two classrooms and there is an additional aid that floats between the two. He is now 21 months old and he has been bitten at this centre 3 times in the last month. I called the pediatrician's after hours l My daughter is 1 and has been bit 3 times since she's been at day care. If this isn’t the first time problems have happened, the daycare should have stepped in to make sure the child was either A) placed into a class appropriate for their behavior B) placed in a class where an extra teacher is available to supervise or even better, terminate care for the child as they are a danger to other children. There’s usually 3 reasons a child bites- communication, sensory, to get a reaction. Im not sure why Reddit decided to show me this thread, but as a first time mom whose baby will be going to daycare at 4. It never happened at home, and daycare was basically the only time she was with other kids. Since mid-July my son (28 months) has been at daycare two days a week. What the heck am I supposed to do? My son (22 months) has had many incidents where he has been bit and I have talked several times to the director of… My son is 13 months old, been at daycare since he was 5 months old. Today, it was twice in one day. Crypto It’s a childcare’s duty to notify parents when their child has been bitten (or has bitten someone else), and so if this isn’t happening and you’re discovering bites later at home, then you’ll need to have a conversation with them to find out why and ensure it doesn’t happen again. It is a teaching moment for all involved. It's been a little over a month since my son has been at this daycare and he has been bit like 4 times already. My daughter is 2. Today was the third time that she had been bitten. 5 year old has been bitten by another child (same kid) 5 times now. I had a talk with the director due to the recent frequency and she informed me that within her class of 14 there are 5 known “biters” that have repeatedly bit other children and that unfortunately at this age, kids will be prone to biting (her class is 2-3 year olds). This is in Texas, a very reputed and expensive daycare facility. None of this matters though as she has bitten the same child 5 times and the kids mom is fed up and angry with us. The child that has been bitten After being bitten, staff instantly comfort them and treat any injury with a cold compress applied to the affected area. For the second time in a couple weeks, my 2 year old got bitten by a classmate at daycare. My son was the target of a biter in daycare. They adjust well between the days, it’s just part of their routine. If he hadn't arrived, and there was a delay in a licensed snake catcher coming, a child could have been bitten and staff would not have done proper first aid. My daughter has been bitten twice in her 3 years at daycare. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 4 votes and 6 comments They said so many parents demand the biter be kicked out of daycare for biting their child, which to me is absurd. The full bite made a purple mark and her skin is broken on either side. The place for news articles about current events in the United States and the rest of… If it breaks skin we are allowed to leave to go clean it. He's 2 and has been bitten 5-6 times in the last 2 months. Well today-12/13 I get a call she has been bitten on the stomach- left teeth marks and broke the skin. Each time, they said it was a different child who bit her. A number of family members would like to report the centre for negligence and have been outraged ever since it happened last week. The child who has bitten My daughter (just turned 1!) has been in daycare for about 4 weeks now. If they’re new to the daycare they may not yet trust the staff to respond to them. The teacher and my child has also said he just walked up to her and bit her. Well in the 7 weeks he has been enrolled, he has been bitten by another child 7 times. My daughter bites and her daycare are working really hard with us on the solutions. 162 votes, 100 comments. She almost did get kicked out too I guess but grew out of it just in time, but at that point the behavior had been happening for almost a year. The daycare says that it has been different kids each time. There's not really a "normal" number. My child cries in the morning about being scared to go to daycare. They're always minor and he never has any marks. People cross-post stories for a chance that our podcast hosts (Sean, John and Josh) will read the story on the show. They also blame the staff, like they are encouraging the biting, so the staff are probably having to deal with a lot of moaning, which isn't nice for them. My son is 18-months old, and we send him to daycare at the YMCA. They go MWF and are watched by their Grandparents Tuesday & Thursday. My daughter recently started a new preschool and in the past 3 weeks, she has been bit 4 times. 9. Last incident was my son. We ended up switching to a smaller daycare setting with fewer children and thankfully that was the end of it. It’s NOT normal for a 2 year old to be constantly hurting others. Please help with some advice! Son (20 months) in a toddler daycare class and keeps getting bitten by other toddlers. We are stuck on removing her and finding a different pre-k or what to do. The first time I saw an incident report about it signed it and thought nothing of it. I have been bitten 4 times across 3 different kids and have worked in ABA for 6 years (5 years as an RBT, and 1 year as a BCBA). Posted by u/Cookie_Brookie - 92 votes and 75 comments We are all taking the risk of our children getting bitten or any number of other injuries at school (even suffering a school shooting, in reality). Our daycare has a policy that 2 bites, your kid is out. 5 ft kennel wall. A toddler at my LO's daycare bit my 4 month old yesterday! He really chomped down! My baby has red teeth marks on his leg! The bite didn't draw blood but it did break the first layer of skin, like a shallow scratch. The educators are all educated, certified, and loving. Sometimes they’re shocked to be hurt and have no idea how to react. 4 bites in a month and the kid was kicked out. I’m not saying it’s not unheard of, but my son has never bitten me or anyone else, and has never been bitten by another kid before. Yes, the children should always be watched closely but it doesnt always mean everyone is within arms reach and things happen in seconds, just like when we watch our own children and we all know we beat ourselves up bad enough so imagine how someone else feels when they care for someone elses child. My 10-month-old has been bitten 4 times in 2 days at daycare. I think the daycare did their diligence in telling you right away, if there had been any sort of aggression involved they would have told you and the next steps as needed. I tried to be understanding bc I know it’s developmental but after two months and a really bad episode with another child attacking mine, I decided to make an appointment with the director. We had multiple kids who bit in our toddlers (12-24 months) classroom and only 2 teachers in a classroom of 10. My 3 year old child has been getting scratched and bitten by another child at daycare almost every second day. Honestly, you should just appreciate that the school was honest about it and take comfort that both the biter and the their parents have been notified. Multiple times my son has been bitten unprovoked by the same child, hard enough to cause bruising, and once enough to break the skin. Some children bite. Also I am sure if you asked your kid who bit him he would tell you, my son tells me who bit him while the teacher is explaining the incident to me. Title says it all. Before the podcast started reading reddit stories, the hosts would choose a topic and research it using Wikipedia. He goes just for socialization to play with other kids his age, the rest of the week my mom watches him. the first time we were upset, but we realized she was young and one day she will be the biter!! We were way more relaxed when it happened again and the child was moved to the next level classroom. It's a great daycare with a rather low child-educator ratio (1:3 in the toddler room). We've been told if she bites again she'll be sent home, and eventually kicked out of daycare. TL/DR: GSD has bitten/tooth scratched 4 separate times, 2 being reported to animal control. My kids 3 & 4 go to daycare part-time. Our son has been bit a few times, usually no marks, but this last time he had a big bite mark and a bruise on his finger. Edit: My wife just texted me that the daycare called her to report he was bitten again I love love love our daycare. Tired of picking him up and hearing "We have an incident report for you" Luckily he doesn't seem fazed by it at all, but it sure does bother me. I’ve been on both ends. My daughter has been bitten 3 or 4 times now in the past couple of months while at daycare. Trying to figure out how normal this is as it seems a bit extreme. We both like this daycare and don't have many options for other daycares in our area, so pulling him out is a last resort. They do well with part-time daycare and I love it too. Like, I'm planning on pulling her and moving her to a different daycare over it with how pissed I am. Is there anything I can/should be doing to help protect her? Do daycares have a biting policy I can ask about? I know toddlers go through these phases but it makes me so sad and upset knowing she is getting bitten. They should absolutely have a plan in place, and have discussed it with the biters parents, so that everyone is on the same page. it’s only to be expected when you have so many children who have such big feelings but limited ways to express these feelings. As a parent, your primary concern is the safety and well-being of your child, and incidents of biting can disrupt that sense of security. Today, it has been announced that the child has died. Also, my daughter has had 4 incidents (first time she's bitten) and me & my wife were mindful that there might be some lapse in care. It was a matter of time that he then started doing it. All were by the same child and that child was dis-enrolled. I'm out of options. They receive ABA 1hour each at the daycare for now until they turn 3 and will have to attend special ed preschool. Developmental therapist here- biting is normal but biting in child at daycare is hard. My Aunt who cares for the babies at a childcare centre said the worst is telling a parent why their little baby has been bitten on the head by another baby. The daycare hasn't confirmed that it's the same kid, as their policy isn't to name names when something happens (to prevent parents from doi That’s a completely negligent reaction by the daycare. There are things that are normal and developmentally appropriate at 2 years old, and biting is one of them. Some of it has been random (accidental scratches from overexcited play in the gross motor room) and once was intentional (my son unfortunately pushed the kid and the kid responded by swiping at his face). The puppy immediately began growling, barking, and lunged at my other dog and grabbed on to her back/leg and bit down hard enough to pull a clump of hair out. Only 1 was a stranger. biting is developmentally appropriate for toddlers and maybe even 4 year olds and no matter what steps are taken to avoid biting it’ll happen occasionally. I have two children who have both gone to the same daycare. My child is 2 and has been bitten several times at daycare now. The funny thing is he never bit before he was put in daycare at 18 months, but then every day was bit for a straight month. My son has been bitten a couple of times, the daycare gets real worked up about it, I don't. 26M subscribers in the news community. Aug 15, 2019 · If your child is bitten, your child care provider should tell you about what happened and how the biting was handled and should provide you with a copy of the written incident report. there should always be consequences and action taken If your child's previous daycare wasn't tooled up to deal with biting, it probably wasn't a daycare with a good understanding of toddler development. I went back and check his teeth, he got 4 teeth on top and 2 on the bottom while the bite marks has 4 on top and 4 on the bottom. I am sure there negligence here, with a ratio of 3:1 how can anyone overlook two kids onto to one another where the dominant boy bites the weaker and younger girl. He was bitten 3-4 times. uprrmgtbnzpnockyhmotoyuufssrllynllrikpoqxtrybsknynabu