Factors influencing prescribing. A total of 33 factors were identified.
Factors influencing prescribing Background: With countries promoting generic drug prescribing, their growth may plateau, warranting further investigation into the factors influencing this trend, including physician and patient perspectives. SSRI: selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor. Family Nov 18, 2018 · A number of factors can influence the prescribing behavior of physicians. doi: 10. ) Patient factors influencing drug selection A physician-based culture of prescribing antibiotics involves overusing antibiotics and not challenging the decisions of colleagues. Consider other individual factors that might influence the prescription (for example, physiological changes with age and pregnancy, or impaired kidney, liver or heart function) 4. Methods: Electronic databases including Scopus, PubMed/MEDLINE CENTRAL, Cochrane Libraries and Google scholar were searched systematically for literatures on factors influencing prescribing decisions of physicians from 2000 to 2016. Our findings are consistent with those in the literature (largely focused on initiation of therapy), suggesting that pharmacological considerations are not the only factors impacting doctors' prescribing decisions. Methods 3. Non‐medical prescribing versus medical prescribing for acute and chronic disease management in primary and secondary care. Sep 29, 2023 · Recognises and responds to factors that might influence prescribing. Mar 2, 2020 · From its inception in the early 1990s, non-medical prescribing (NMP) has grown and developed at a rapid rate in the UK. 5-8,26-29 The most influential models of physician prescribing behavior are elaborated on in this section as a theoretical background for the proposed conceptual framework. METHODS: Electronic databases including Scopus, PubMed/MEDLINE CENTRAL, Cochrane Libraries and Google scholar were searched systematically for literatures on factors influencing prescribing decisions of physicians from 2000 to 2016. Apr 3, 2017 · (9) Weeks G, George J, Maclure K, Stewart D. Safety, effectiveness, formulary status, and restrictions on prescribing were considered highly influential by all participants. Aug 24, 2016 · 3. Fam Pract . Factors Influencing Prescribing Behaviour. 2016 Dec;33(6):572-579. 29 made efforts through literature review to develop a qualitative prescribing model that assesses the influence of economic factors on physician prescribing behavior. The most frequent factors were patients’ clinical condition, Factors influencing prescribing decision: A total of 33 factors were identified. Knapp and Oeltjen’s model26 Prescribers in smaller general practices, in areas of greater deprivation, and with less experience may have provided additional insights into the factors influencing their prescribing. 2016; (11):CD011227. Patient related factors Some of the included studies mentioned that the practitioner’s perception of patients influences the antibiotic prescribing practise of physicians [ 6 , 31 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 43 , 58 Feb 20, 2023 · Factors such as an inadequate workplace where prescribers are distracted or interrupted during prescribing, 28, 34, 45 inadequate patient information due to impaired CPOE access, multiple, hybrid (electronic and paper) or missing medical charts, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 36, 45 inadequate or variable training on information systems for (new To achieve larger and more sustainable improvements in antibiotic use, the array of factors influencing prescribing habits must be identified and addressed. DNA: do not attend. Factors influencing prescribers’ decisions are the most important input to develop practice guidelines, healthcare policy and to devise a regulation for the pharmaceutical market. Factors strongly influencing antidepressant prescribing bold and moderately influential factors in italics and underlined. In addition, the pivotal-position of physicians makes the study of factors which influence prescribing decision of tremendous worth. The importance of clinical experience and information exchange with colleagues should not be underestimat … May 1, 2004 · Physician prescribing behaviour is influenced by many factors which are allowed to operate in the health care system according to its structure, governance, principles and incentives. Oct 9, 2020 · Results: Exposure and attention to pharmaceutical promotions and contact with industry were significantly associated with reported increase in pharmaceutical industry influence on decisions about Kyle et al. Factors influencing prescribing decision: A total of 33 factors were identified. Patient related factors Some of the included studies mentioned that the practitioner’s perception of patients influences the antibiotic prescribing practise of physicians [ 6 , 31 , 36 – 38 , 43 , 58 A narrative review of factors influencing antibiotic prescribing highlighted the multiple sources of influence affecting a potential prescribing encounter, including factors related to the prescribing physician (e. The Cochrane Library. (See accompanying article on pharmacoeconomics. Physicians' personal attributes, cost of treatment, pharmaceutical industries' and patients' preferences were the most frequently identified factors to influence prescribing decisions ( Table 1 ). A total of 33 factors were identified. The objectives were to use the TDF to identify influencing factors and map these to the COM-B system to elucidate the intervention functions to target from the Behaviour Change Wheel. Factors affecting the NMP were subdivided into those arising from the attitude of the NMP and those derived from their practice (See Table 3). 5. Factors that were drug-related or that involved policy-related programs tended to be more influential than indirect factors. While there is a limited evidence base on NMPs' prescribing decision-making, it appears that this is complex with NMPs influenced by many and often opposing factors. g. The potential adverse effects of antibiotics did not strongly influence decision making in this sample. 56–58 Aug 24, 2016 · As the majority of prescribing in hospital is undertaken by intern doctors, the aims of this systematic review were to compile the evidence of the qualitative literature on the views and experiences of intern doctors and to examine the role of the pharmacist in assisting in prescribing by interns. 12 We aimed to understand the context in which physicians practice and the professional and psychosocial factors that influence physicians' antibiotic-prescribing decisions. Take into account other factors that might alter the benefits and risks of treatment. (10) Influences on prescribing decision-making among non-medical prescribers in the United Kingdom: systematic review. A better understanding of these factors could be leveraged in f … The aim of this review was to identify the factors affecting the prescribing decision of physicians. A systematic review of the qualitative literature was done according to the Preferred Reporting Perhaps the most obvious example of cost-effective prescribing is selecting a generic rather than a branded drug from the same class. , a high-risk or vulnerable patient history Nov 1, 2018 · The aim of this review was to identify the factors affecting the prescribing decision of physicians. The magnitude of the influence exerted by these factors varied with time. Take into account the patient’s ideas, concerns, and expectations Antibiotic prescribing data by 320 GP surgeries in Northern Ireland were obtained from Business Services Organisation for the years 2014–2020. The aim of this review was to identify the factors affecting the prescribing decision of physicians. 1093/fampra/cmw085. However, cost may be outweighed by other factors, notably significant differences in efficacy or safety. These sources were further categorised by (1) whether the source suggested that opioids were being underprescribed, overprescribed, demonstrated complex prescription patterns, or had no explicit stance; (2) factors associated with different prescribing trends (e. The use of valid and reliable practice guidelines could reduce the negative impact of wide ranges of factors and promote the rational prescribing effectively. Feb 20, 2021 · The aim of the study was to identify the factors that influence independent prescribing behaviour by optometrists. Physicians’ personal attributes, cost of treatment, pharmaceutical industries’ and patients’ preferences were the most frequently identified factors to influence prescribing decisions (Table 1). DISCUSSION This was a review on the factors influencing Oct 9, 2020 · influence HCP prescribing. The most frequent factors were patients’ clinical condition,. ADM: antidepressant. The model displays an array of direct and indirect commercial impacts on physician prescribing decision. A trained interviewer administered a standardized questionnaire designed to elicit opinions of participants regarding the importance of factors thought to influence drug prescribing. Factors influencing prescribing decision: A total of 33 factors were identified. It has evolved from an initially small number of community nurses and health visitors, prescribing from a limited formulary, to the current situation where a significant and growing number of nurse independent prescribers (NIPs), pharmacists and an increasing range of allied If changes in prescribing behaviour are desired, factors warranting more attention include understanding how to influence therapeutic traditions and the doctor's personal habits for prescribing. , fear of failure, diagnostic uncertainty, or inadequate training), the patient (e. A linear mixed-effects model was used to identify factors influencing antibiotic prescribing rates. Jan 2, 2024 · Factors influencing prescribing practice include patient-related factors, health system-related factors, and health system related factors. Physicians rated the availability of drug samples and personal experience higher (more influential on prescribing) than clinical pharmacists and formulary committee members. The assessment and categorisation of factors affecting prescribing behaviour depended on the differences in study design, setting, focus and aim, theoretical approach and definition of the reviewed studies. PST: Prescribing Support Teams. Responses were described using descriptive statistics, and differences between the groups were determined by post hoc analysis. Key informant participants were working at various levels within the NHS and encompassed a broad range of roles and perspectives. Clinical pharmacists and formulary committee members rated the influence of recommendations by clinical pharmacists, prescribing guidelines, and cost or cost comparisons higher than physicians. Nov 18, 2018 · RESULTS: Thirty-three studies met the inclusion criteria from 1122 search results. Introduction Effective communication is an essential component of prescribing and vital to ensuring patient safety, shared decision making and optimal health outcomes [1] . Prescribing enabled the professional to practice autonomously [ 21 , 28 , 31 , 37 , 42 , 46 , 65 ], enhancing job satisfaction [ 31 , 37 , 42 , 46 , 47 , 49 , 65 ], and supporting professional Factors influencing prescribing decision: A total of 33 factors were identified. 56 Interacting clinical, social and cultural factors relating to both the patient and prescriber influence prescribing decisions. 10–13 Studies show that industry marketing of prescription drugs results in less evidence-based prescribing and a * Corresponding author. , higher versus lower opioid prescribing); and (3) whether influencing factors Factors influencing prescribing practice include patient-related factors, health system-related factors, and health system related factors. Additional strategies may be needed to maximize the switch to generic drugs while ensuring healthcare system sustainability, focusing on Feb 20, 2022 · Having identified theory-derived influencers on prescribing decisions by optometrists, the findings can be used to develop a structured intervention, such as a support package to help optimise prescribing by optometrists, with the ultimate goal of eye care quality improvement. The identified factors showed that prescribing is not only geared for patient benefit, but also towards personal interest. Some studies have attempted to develop theoretical models to explain the factors influencing prescribing behavior of physicians. Methods Electronic databases including Scopus, PubMed/MEDLINE CENTRAL, Cochrane Libraries and Google scholar were searched systematically for literatures on factors influencing prescribing decisions of physicians from 2000 to 2016. scwyg oeyt lphum hjiij eclbf vztwsn bsol suegh pdcddi vgla