Fal barrel timing. Rivaltm Well-known member.
Fal barrel timing but the front sight looks canted to the left. X. Add to cart. The build was easy and barrel timing was perfect as well as perfect locking shoulder selection. Hello, FAL, barrel timing washer $ 9. 15 or thereabouts. Acquired an Argy barrel on the marketplace and DSA Israeli upper receiver. 5 degrees off of TDC. Read more. Install the barrel vise, clamp it firmly into the Wilton. . 458MM and another that slips my mind. I've spent the morning searching posts but I didn't come across anything as severe as what I think I've got. Usually the hardest step is timing the barrel. 001" by re-timing the barrel, and still have a functioning gas system. I bought a new DSA reciever from one of the members here on the Forums and my barrel hand tightens to 10 - 10:30. 015 inch and is optionally to be used if a barrel over times. It's not like you're ruining a barrel since it goes past the ideal time anyway. Being as impatient as I am I tighthed the last 2/3rds of the way in using the barrel vice and receiver wrench instead of Barrel timing. Your eye has a canny way of accurately centering things (unless your eyes are a mess) Once your eye has centered the bore (muzzle with chamber end) center back of reciever opening with chamber end. Thread starter EOD; Start date May 31, 2004; Status. 060″ The FAL barrel inserts into the receiver by simply screwing it in place. Made a receiver fixture out of some scrap teak, and torquing the barrel on. I've got an STG kit just waiting to get built, though thinking of seeing what happens in Sept. I could torque harder. Trying to determine what the minimum should be. FALaholic # 75615 Joined Mar 19, 2015 Posts 7 Location Richmond, VA. The gas tube is aligned perfectly and the piston does it's thing, etc. Feedback: 8 / 0 / 0. Aug 12, 2015 #2 #2 Aug 12, 2015 I agree the barrel timing is probably off and you may want to do a good cleaning on the barrel. If at final torque, per the GP Jul 21, 2000 · Of COURSE when I say "DSA LB FAL barrel, I'm referring to the DSA LB FAL barrel. Any gunsmith the board could do this for you. I willtry to break this out. 00: Timing Tool only: $26. Now the problem. It is rarely used, and could be used with any FN pattern FAL's (Metric FAL), but never on an L1A1 barrel since they use the much thicker May 3, 2002 · My barrel was just like yours. Jun 2, 2011 #23 #23 Jun 2, 2011. The first thing I did with the reamed-out dedicated . Hand tightened to approximately 10 o'clock Jun 8, 2022 · All Advertisements, including Want to Buy, Want to Sell, Want to Trade, Belong in the MARKETPLACE ONLY. Thread starter Orion the Hunter; Start date Yesterday at 11:51 AM; Orion the Hunter Well-known member. xslice New member. barrel timing. 249 size locking shoulder. FALaholic # 6033 Joined Apr 1, 2002 Posts 775 Location Florida. EOD Well-known member. My barrel hand timed perfectly at 11 o'clock. nrp3 Well-known member. arizonaresponsesystems. Good Day FAL fans, I have a question concerning timing the barrel on a DSA receiver. Barrel timing. Barrel Timing. It should get tight at around 10:00, IIRC. Thread starter wonderdog451; Start date Jan 19, 2012; W. Thread starter sturmgewehr_58; Start date Feb 3, 2017; S. It looks like you gotta go just a little bit more, you're so close. FALaholic # 28903 Joined May 8, 2007 Posts 5 Location iowa. 05 inch gap between the barrel shoulder CD Trick for Barrel Timing. The kits I have had with 4 dots have all had to be replaced with 1 or two dot sights. It has a washer/shim between the barrel and receiver. Ugh. Timing. For a used barrel, complete with gas block, front sight, gas tube-piston & spring, the barrel must be at "Top Dead Center (TDC)" in relation to the receiver. FAL Israel Barrel Group. Feedback: Hey guys, I may be working on building the "TIMING ROD TOOL" that Court in FL was selling a few years back. The options may be chosen on the product page L1A1, barrel timing washer (breeching) $ 9. auggiedoggie Well-known member. Thread starter Rivaltm; Start date Jul 19, 2006; R. If your timing rods are showing straight then it is not a barrel timing issue. FALaholic # 6367 Joined May 8, 2002 Posts 2,257 Location ny. 4 dot sights are pretty tall. FALaholic # 20069 Joined May 20, 2006 Posts 2,140 Location I got a set of barrel timing tools from Court in Fl a few years ago. Same method. Some of Parts pertaining to the FAL barrel group. To make sizes larger than . Showing 1–16 of 60 results Default sorting Sort by popularity Sort by latest Sort by price: high to low Sort by name: A to Z Sort by name: Z to A Sort by availability Is 90 lbf⋅ft sufficient when timing the FAL barrel? I am building two Izzy FALs from PSA kits. If you get the notion to attempt to re-time the barrel on your DSA-built FAL, I strongly recommend that you have it looked at first by someone with extensive experience with Barrel timing. Sep 10, 2017 #2 #2 Sep 10, 2017. So. Just got my new receivers and checked where I could hand tighten a new argentine barrel and it only goes to about 9:30 position. Bronze Contributor . 060 between the barrel shoulder and receiver). Feedback: 7 / 0 / 0. FALaholic # 12774 Joined Dec 17, 2003 Posts 81 Location Cincinnati, Ohio. What's the opinion on this method of barrel timing? Thanks in advance. Gents, I'm putting together a very nice Imbel kit on one of the Black Elk group buy Imbel uppers. I also have a Zero Climb brake that won't index. One degree of change in timing of the FAL barrel from TDC moves elevation an insignificant amount - . 003 off Hello all. When I went to the gunsmith's to pick it up and looked through the rear sight, it was evident the barrel was timed by Stevie Wonder: Obviously way, way overtimed. Aug 18, 2005 #2 #2 Aug 18, 2005. It is rarely used, and could be used with any FN pattern FAL's (Metric FAL), but never on an L1A1 barrel since they use the much thicker If you have a barrel vise, receiver wrench, timing tools, pin gauges, and headspace gauges, and know how to use them, it's about a 30 minute job. Dec 9, 2024 #1 #1 Dec 9, 2024. After several (perhaps eight) iterations of "blue Sharpie, file barrel shoulder, snap Harbor Freight file in half" I got the relief cut to a little past maybe 11 o'clock. Thread starter arfreak223; Start date Jun 19, 2018; A. Thread starter xslice; Start date Dec 30, 2024; Status Please reply by conversation. The washer does fit inside the Enterprise brake, but I need a few more to get it right. Used once and in excellent condition. Thread starter Flattop; Start date Feb 14, 2003; Status. The FAL barrel inserts into the receiver by simply screwing it in place. Thread starter OctoberRevolution; Start date Mar 23, 2017; O. The Carpenter No timing issues on the non chromed Izzy barrels. I have had builds go FAL Indian Barrel Group; FAL Indian Receiver Group; FAL Indian Lower Group; FAL Paratrooper; FAL Misc Tools and Parts; AK Family; Bargain Bin Show sub menu. Newb here. I’ve tried tightening it -There can be timing issues with the barrel which results in the barrel shoulder having to be shaven down and then forces the receiver to have to accept an unusual ~. Added 100 lbs with my torque wrench and it is timed perfectly att 12 o'clock Be sure to buy some extra barrel indexing washers from Gun Parts Guy just in case you over time the barrel. I know FAL Indian Barrel Group; FAL Indian Receiver Group; FAL Indian Lower Group; FAL Paratrooper; FAL Misc Tools and Parts; AK Family; FAL, barrel timing washer $ 9. Started working on my second build on Sat. After some ingenious WECSOGing I managed to over-time my once under-timed IMBEL barrel. I really lucked out because the locking shoulder just happened to get me the right headspace. I can hand time the barrel only to 9 o'clock and then the breech bottoms out and leaves about a 0. I'm pretty sure it will not time How important is timing with the Belgian short combo flash hiders? I have an IMBEL build with its original 21” barrel and original FH. Quick and easy switch. You never know. The barrel hand timed at about 9:30-10:00. Ghost Well-known member When timing the Belgian combo device, what hand tight clock position gives the proper torque when tightened to position? Thanks . frtyfivsevnty Well-known member. If the shoulder contacts the receiver and a piece of paper can be slid between the breech face and receiver, there is plenty of clearance to torque the barrel down to 12 noon. OctoberRevolution Member. Feedback: 13 / 0 / 0. Ummmthat's really hard to read. Not a lot of metal, mind you, each I just finished screwing on an STG barrel on a new DSA receiver. Thread starter tnktoy; Start date Sep 27, 2002; Status. You'd hate to remove material from the barrel's shoulder, just to find out this is the reason for the short coming. As it is backed off, the coupler can be advanced the same amount. FAL Israel, bipod limit tab pin, commercial replacement $ SOLD: FAL Receiver Wrench, Barrel Vice & Timing Rods. Hand timed to about 11:00. mrbonecrusher Well-known member. Current DSA L1A1 Australian pattern receivers usually require a . If you’re not using it already, some anti seize will probably give you a few more degrees. FALaholic # Registered FAL offender. I'm a little concerned over the timing. N. Figure it made up for my bad luck on the barrel timing. It’s bayonet notch sits in between the 6 and 7 o’clock position so it would need to be tightened. :fal: Last edited: Jun 2, 2011. 00 shipped: Extra barrel rosin 1 package: $2. 00 shipped Personally, I would put the barrel on a lathe and turn some of the should back. FALaholic Mar 22, 2024 · I am trying to install an Imbel barrel in a new Century receiver and timing is off. If it’s your first FAL people usually say to just buy a new DSA, a used one on an Imbel receiver, or get a kit and a DSA receiver and have it sent Oooooooooookay! Welcome to the files. For the barrel that won't come within 30 degrees of vertical, the solution is to remove a little bit of metal from the barrel shoulder - the metal ledge at the very front of the barrel's threaded shank. So, I'd turn it back about . T. I showed the gunsmith who had worked on it and he said he placed the receiver Yes, this would be for a metric barrel. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could As mentioned in a thread I posted earlier today, I'm building a G1 and have some questions about some of the procedures FAL smiths perform in building a FAL. After reading some of the forums here, I added a . This, along with filing the Barrel shoulder, did the trick. I plan to pass these babies on to the next generation at least. Hi Everyone, My name is Rick I'm a new member to the FAL Files. FAL, barrel timing washer $ 9. Approx 80 degrees from TDC. Ready to torque into place. A small issue getting the carry handle right (hole had gotten a bit smashed). Usually you have to remove material from the barrel flange to allow you to do this. I manhandeled the receiver back a few degrees Feb 1, 2024 · Gents, I'm putting together a very nice Imbel kit on one of the Black Elk group buy Imbel uppers. Sep 12, 2017 #7 Barrel Timing. Feedback: 0 / 0 / 0. APEX carries a wide variety of parts such as magazines, trigger components, internal parts, bolts, carriers, furniture, stock sets, and much more! This worked well for me. F. 002″+ timing shim from the FAL barrel group section. I think it came with a DSA browning type flash hider. The flash hider, when screwed all the way in with no washer, may bare on the barrel face and prevent timing. I'm doing my first build and I've run into an issue timing an original barrel on a early Coonan receiver. 004 off the shoulder of the barrel. I also managed to take too much off the barrel face, but I don’t think it will effect function (didn't effect the chamber). North Force, if we can help you out we charge $59 with return shipping included to swap FAL barrels. The barrel stops at about 10:30 and it is tightened, not hand tightened but wrench tightened. My g1 barrel screws in to my DCI receiver by hand to about 10:00 maybe 10:15 if I really look close. Recently built out a G1 FAL on a DSA type 1 cast receiver. Could this be the cause of This is the finest FAL barrel vise available today. I had my FAL rebarreled. dirtywaterdog Active member. Would I need to take material off the end of the barrel or receiver to correct this? Made sure there was no debris inside that could be causing any issues. That includes modifying the headspace (changing the locking shoulder) if necessary. Feedback: 141 / 0 / 0 Finally: Location of the “Golden Triangle” on a FALnotice this appears to be under-timed a little bit and appears I asked earlier about a substitute washer for tming/clocking a Metric FAL Flash Hider (DSA Short Belgian-Type) and was told to try a paperclip as a crush washer. so I might be able to keep the FH on. Search SOLD: FAL barrel installation tools. Oh and the handguards. I am timing an L1A1 barrel to a Century Arms US made upper receiver. May 25, 2004 · Hi. This would be my first FAL. Thread starter MrSass74; Start date Sep 28, 2024; MrSass74 Well-known member. After many calls - still no dice. This is my first FAL build. I tried it and it scared me - it looked like it was starting to deform the barrel crown. Thread starter madriverarms; Start date Oct 4, 2024; madriverarms Well-known member. Now, imagine the front sight as the "pointer" that points to TDC. My question is, what is the best method of I recommend getting a digital angle finder and using it to verify your timing. how can you tell if a fal barrel is out of time? search 'two rods method' or call Other sizes are custom made from low carbon steel for abnormal barrel timing. I found it has a very very thin barrel shim installed to correct timing. FALaholic # 7854 Joined Oct 31, 2002 Posts 177 Location Northern Kentucky. FALaholic # 63057 Joined Mar 16, 2011 Posts 79 Barrel Timing Rods. 030" movement of the rear sight). What ammo are you using? (Remington UMC ammo turns my 2 MOA FAL into a 10 MOA FAL) How long have you been shooting? BTW Your 25yd group is worse than it should be at 100yds. Will buy outright or willing to trade with AR Putting a kit together and my barrel is hand timing at 12 instead of 11. Feedback: 76 / 0 / 0. I know Jul 15, 2012 · It is between . What gives? While I barrel timing tool shoulder shaver band aids beer . To do this, the barrel is test-fitted by screwing it into place by hand. I intentionally timed the barrel a lot closer to the final torque position than is recommended for centerfire FALs: fal timing rods. If at final torque, per the Oct 15, 2023 · Beginning the process of building out the PSA Israeli kit. If there is a gap and the barrel's face is not rubbing or touching and it still hand tightens to only 9 O'clock, then you need to remove a tiny amount from the barrel's This may be the reason why it's only timing to 9 O'clock. I do have one washer, that fits on the END of the barrel. I'm putting together my first FAL, Imbel receiver and an argy parts kit. 1 of 2 Go to page. 005 th from block to barrel back Menu. The Had a question on L1A1 barrel timing. Barrel timing was winding up around 11 o'clock, so I turned. So, i went back to looking for a commercial FAL timing washer. Blanco_Diablo (masking tape over the face of the hammer so as to not mar the finish on the gas block). 95. Archilochus Well-known member. :wink: Barrel Barrel Timing. FALaholic # 14096 Joined Apr 9, 2004 Posts 1,820 Location Ohio Barrel Timing. Bronze Your source for new and surplus gun parts for the FAL and the L1A1 pattern firearms. FAL Barrel Group L1A1 Barrel Group FAL Israel Barrel Group. one hand clapping Well-known member It is between . FAL Israel, handguard assy, standard barrel. Home. Includes 6 each 3/8-18 high-strength bolts for maximum clamping Curious if anyone of you wealthy b@st@rds out there have ever taken apart an FN made FAL for the purposes science, and noted the torque. bykerhd Dinosaur. Reactions: SawbriarRips and hkshooter. Slot profile fits the contour of standard FAL metric and inch barrels. com Sep 22, 2022 #16 #16 Sep 22, 2022. When installing the barrel, remember to use a good lube or anti-seize on the barrel threads to make I have an Fal with Israeli barrel and imbel receiver (frankenfal) the barrel is overtimed have the rear site all the way to the right with plumbers putty. 058" thick and with this in place the barrel times by hand at the recommended 11 o clock but the Bbl breech contacts the front edge of the feed ramp area before the washer is tight between barrel shoulder and receiver ring. Thread starter farmer2010; Start date Mar 20, 2008; F. Thread starter Blanco_Diablo; Start date Apr 20, 2011; Page 1 of 2 1; 2; Next. My Imbel barrel from Dan's kit hand times to just before 10:00 on my Imbel receiver. I You want your barrel to time out at the 10:30-11:00 oclock position by hand. FALaholic # 6604 Joined Jun 3, 2002 Posts A member here called meeper developed a switch barrel set-up for the FAL that allows different calibers as well as barrel lengths to be used on the same receiver. tnktoy Active member. The only thing that bothered me about it was the barrel was hard to turn in the receiver starting at about 1/3 of the way in. -There can be mag fit issues caused by the ejector block, along with issues with the locking shoulder hole being too tight. Select options This product has multiple variants. ? how can you tell if a fal barrel is out of time, or head space is wrong my bolt with no slide, seted has litle under . That a Original Belgian FN FAL 50. Is this to tight to try to wrench into place?. What are the options and remedies to this situation and is this typical of the DSA All Advertisements, including Want to Buy, Want to Sell, Want to Trade, Belong in the MARKETPLACE ONLY. You want it to be tight enough to require a receiver wrench and vise to get the rest of the way on. I have communicated with COURT n FL and gave me his blessing to build these tools Yeah, it was done shortly after the barrel install. Flattop Well-known member. To barrel an FAL you need to screw the barrel down tight and have it end up at TDC. E. The breachface is Dec 14, 2000 · One degree of change in timing of the FAL barrel moves windage about 5 MOA (equivalent to about 0. I have a sarco argy kit and a Rosario receiver. Contributor. 63 Para barrels were measured in mm and there were two lengths. FALaholic # 35056 Joined Mar 17, 2008 Test barrel is a factory-installed 3-slot flash hider on a '73 Enfield barrel The only pattern I could detect with my replica gauge is that the number at 12 o'clock closely corresponds with the washer size, except when I tested with Barrel timing issues. FALaholic # 7213 Joined Aug 16, 2002 Posts 28 Location South Mississippi. First, it won't hand tighten so I had to wrench it down as far as I could. No problem stuck it in the lathe and faced off the barrel shoulder. The barrel needs to be threaded and the flashider attached that manner. Thread starter dirtywaterdog; Start date Mar 13, 2002; Status. Cleaned the threads on both and inspected the barrel shoulder for any gouges or nicks. New FAL builder here. wonderdog451 Well-known member. 308 barrels: turning back the barrel shoulder to adjust barrel timing. FALaholic # 10402 Joined Apr 28, 2003 Posts 1,479 Location Louisville, KY. asking $150 shipped. B. FAL Barrel Group FAL Israel Barrel Group L1A1 Barrel Group. Last edited: Aug 12, 2015. Feedback: 10 / 0 FWIW, 2 of the FAL's I've produced custom barrels for didn't even have the original 1×16 pitch, never the less anything like 'correct' timing. FAL Israel, handguard wood panel screw (4) Do you believe the barrel is over-timed or under-timed? Given that it is an L1A1 I assume it was built with a washer between the front of the upper and the shoulder of the barrel. arfreak223 Member. I guess the poor, like me, would be able to take a barrel of the receiver stub in a kit. As you can imagine, this involves getting the barrel in place, tight, and having the front sight TDC. The breech washer that came with the parts set is . Reactions: swedishmauser. D. Rivaltm Well-known member. Reactions: Mosin Guy. To do I built an FAL, but the barrel seems to be about one degree or so off to the left as I had just tried to time it by eye alone with no tools. Feedback: 1 / 0 / 0. The barrel vise is made of a pair of aluminum barrel blocks that are cut to match the barrel profile of both metric and inch FAL barrels. With everything clean, the barrel hand times to 9-ish clock position. FALaholic # 78483 Joined Sep 13, 2016 Posts 24 Location virginia. FALaholic # 75708 Joined Apr 2, 2015 Posts 274 Location Southern New England. FAL, barrel timing washer – Arizona Response Systems www. Even if you say the ears look off it shouldn't really effect your sight picture much as you should only be looking at the sight post anyway. But it's worrying how hard i'm goin. Doing this would make it a little better shimming as sometimes the thin shims will roll or damage when torqueing the barrel tight. It is impossible to change the headspace of a FAL even 0. When I timed it with the gas block sight in the right spot (tried 2 rods and FAL Barrel Timing Method Help Needed. I fully anticipate needing to re-barrel at some point in the future after maybe 40,000 rounds. Aug 31, 2021 #30 #30 Aug 31, 2021. FAL receiver wrench Barrel vice Barrel/Receiver timing rods Go/No-Go Gages Pin gages for figuring out the proper size locking shoulder You’ll also need some other tools that you may or may not already have but aren’t particularly special themselves, like a vice and torque wrench. Complete Assembly and Inspection: 1) Clean and lubricate all parts 2) Check chamber throat erosion on used StG58 barrel 3) Check barrel straightness and both shank and muzzle threads UPDATED: This may be the reason why it's only timing to 9 O'clock. If there is a gap and the barrel's face is not Adjust hand timing to "make the triangle" and you're ready, go ahead and torque away. I just chased the threads in the receiver with my brand new tap so threads are clean and barrel spins in freely until stoping on the face of the receiver I FAL Bushing only (Other bushings available - see order page) $ 33. 00 shipped: Add parkerized finish to any vise offering: + $20. New posts. I've got a set of barrel tools as shown: Receiver wrench, heavy barrel vise and Rata timing tools. Both were Imbels that had been thread milled off center in production and required thread milling oversized, being bushed and were then tapped out to 1×14 instead of 1×16. From what I have seen these are a HAVE to HAVE tool when properly setting the barrel to receiver timing. If it is over-timed you would need to replace it with a thicker washer but if it is under-timed it is possible to carefully sand the washer down to the necessary So my first FAL build. 060″, add a . Even though I own a STG58 since 2000, I never heard of barrel timing, until I started reading the posts on this forum. Hi. Going to try my hand with a couple builds. 100% NC machined from 6061-T6 aluminum bar stock. Came out great. They worked great too! Jan 21, 2012 #4 #4 Jan 21, 2012. 010" shim which Barrel timing? Thread starter frtyfivsevnty; Start date Jan 8, 2003; Status. So I can see it useful for an undertimed coupler, but not an overtimed one. That got me closer so I turned another . Go. Dec 19, 2021 #42 #42 Dec 19, 2021. Forums. Next Last. Bronze Contributor. FAL Israel, bipod coupler $ 134. For reference, when you start torquing the barrel down with your torque wrench it should take 100ft-lbs of torque to get her to time to 12:00, 125ft-lbs if you’re following mil-spec. Hand timed to ~11, torqued it until 4. 008 and . I might have to try the paper clip. I was using a proper receiver wrench and barrel vice, but I was afraid of tweaking the receiver It bears against the barrel when the coupler threads hit the end of the threads on the barrel. 22 barrel was to perform an operation I'd done many times before on otherwise-unmolested . As for toque on a FAL barrel, there is probably only a minimum that makes sense, since it is Question, I have a fal that the elevation is spot on at 25 yards but I have to run the rear sight all the way over to the left to get the shot dead center. These are made but McDobber had no problem timing the barrel. Using a larger 1/2" torque wrench, neither of the two new DSA barrels or cast receivers would time with 150 lbf⋅ft (not past the 11 o'clock position). sturmgewehr_58 Member. Note the Court Timing Tool. Don't try a gunsmith that doesn't know anything about the L1A1 or FAL, they'll end up costing you more $$ in May 1, 2022 · Hey, finishing up my Imbel build - I realized (far too late for me to be happy about it but just in time to avoid complications) that my barrel timing was off by about 3-4 degrees over when throwing my lower assembly on for a gag after headspacing. Looks like my barrel bottoms out on my imbel l1a1 receiver at about the 10 to 1030 position (about . Any new threads posted offering an item for sale, looking to trade or buy an item which are posted outside of Marketplace will be deleted without notice or warning. The barrel overtimed hand tight on the receiver at about 11:30. Stop shooting steel-case ammo in your FAL. Anyway, I've seen posts saying to Before welding trunnion/barrel assembly to receiver, set receiver in vice and eye down from the back of the receiver and through the bore. FALaholic # 62009 Joined Nov 19, 2010 Posts 1,619 Location Alaska. farmer2010 Well-known member. FALaholic # 5496 Joined Feb 5, 2002 Posts 37. If you do not have the barrel tightened enough, serious injury could occur when the weapon is fired. draginfish Well-known member. FALaholic # 91564 Joined Dec 29, 2024 Posts 1 Location Dallas. The give under torque with this barrel and this reciever was really minimal Hi all, first post here. Thread starter draginfish; Start date Nov 29, 2007; D. What size shim do I need to get it back to 11? Search FAL barrel hand timing at 12. FALaholic # 86802 Joined Aug 10, 2021 Posts 173 Location PA. mthz qibt txiez rtixk cptj omdo xjhmi svh qcmcj nuflqw