Ngati hao marae.
OUR MARAE mahi rangatira ki te iwi.
Ngati hao marae. The wharenui is named E Koro Kia Tutuki.
Ngati hao marae Ngāpuhi; Related Rohe. The whare is named Te Tikanga a Tāwhiao and the wharekai is Hine Te Kakara. com Tarimano Marae Complex: 62 Gloucester Road off Hamurana Road, SH 36, Awahou | 07 Originally located at Paerata, Ngāti Patumoana and Waiaua marae were relocated to the base of the Pakihi valley after the Whakatōhea land confiscations. Its hapū are Te Popoto, Ngāi Tawake, Te Honihoni, Ngāti Te Kainga tupu - na Ta Apirana Ngata i tito. The wharenui that once stood at this marae, which was also named Okorihi, burnt In 1966, the Otara Marae Steering Committee was established by the Otara Māori Committee. The primary hapū of the marae is Ngāti Ahuru of Ngāti Raukawa. Ko ngā maunga ngā poupou; ko Ranginui e titiro iho nei, te tuanui. As indicated, Tapua, the father of Patuone and Nene Find out who and where are the Tuhoe Marae in the Tuhoe Rohe. It is also the place where our Tupuna rest in peace Whakapara aerial view of the village, river, SH1 and railway. Apart from the mention of Ngāti Hao in various census records of hapū members, there is little recorded in official histories. Its hapu are Te Whānau Moana and Te Rorohuri of Ngati Kahu and Te Parata is a key ancestor. It aligns with the Ngāpuhi confederation, tracing descent from the waka called Ngatokimatawhaorua. Iwi & Hapū (Right-hand column Waihao marae is located between Oamaru and Timaru, in the township of Morven. Represents Ngāti Hauā as an "iwi authority" for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991. 72 marae. Hapū Te Ihutai (Ngāpuhi) The principal hapū at Te Ōhākī Marae is Ngāti Tokotoko but many of the other seven hapū can whakapapa to Te Ōhākī such as Ngāti Te Rīha. Ngāti Hau are the Māori iwi (tribes) of the Whanganui River area in New Zealand. Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae is are based at Arahura a short distance from Hokitika on West Coast. Marae: Te Whakamaharatanga Whare: Whakamaharatanga (Memorial Hall) Wharekai: Te Puna o Te Waiora Rohe: Waimamaku . Hapū Te Parawhau (Ngāpuhi) Ngāti Hao Te Tai Tokerau Poroti (Maungarongo) Hapū Te Māhurehure (Ngāpuhi) Te Tai Tokerau Kia ora, Te Raa Nehua of Ngati Hao is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. | Ngāti Hako, Hako Tūpuna Trust, Ngāti Hako Treaty Settlement Negotiators, Hauraki Māori Trust Board, | Iwi | Post-Treaty settlement governance entity [ Ngāti Hauā Claims Settlement Act 2014]. Scroll down. Hapū: Te Waiariki, Ngāti Manawa, Te Kaitutae Urupā: Nahareta Whenua: Panguru E 3 Whare hui: Ngāti Manawa Whare kai: 2359 West Coast Road, Panguru Physical address: C/ Agnes Job, Runaruna Road, RD 2 Kohukohu, Panguru Postal address: Phone 09 3 marae. Ngāwhā marae is located in the vicinity of the . Hapū Ngāti Hau (Ngāpuhi). The Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board Kakahi. The marae belongs to Ngāti Hau. Ngāti Maru is not Te Kauwhanganui o Māhuta means the Te Kauwhanganui Building and monument located at Rukumoana marae (Morrinsville‑Walton Road, Morrinsville) which is dedicated to the establishment of Te Kauwhanganui (the Māori Parliament) and which holds the Te Kauwhanganui Collection (taonga). This has been covered in the respective sections on Ngāti Hao and Ngāpuhi and will not be repeated here. They provide a gathering place to celebrate special occasions in our lives, and to farewell loved ones during times of sorrow. Learn more Ruaihona Marae. Hapū Marae Wharenui Location; Ngā Uri o Puhatahi: Omauri *No wharenui* 1 Omauri Road, Whangārei : Ngāti Hao: Pehiaweri: Te Reo o te Iwi: 99 Ngunguru Road, Glenbervie He is the current chair of Te Kupenga Hao o Ngāti Ranginui, Te Kapa Haka o Ngāti Ranginui and has governance roles on Tourism BOP as mana whenua rep and The Ministry of Patuone had died in 1872 and the drawing is likely to be a later copy of an earlier drawing done from life before 1872 Other Titles - Ngatihao, Ngati Hao Inscriptions: Recto - beneath image - `Eruera Maihi Patuone, brother to Tamati Waka Nene, remembered Captn. She has demonstrated her ability to effectively lead and manage multiple Search for marae. 5 marae Kei te raki haka-te-marangai o te tāone nui o Whangarei te marae o Pehiāweri. The wharenui is Te Reo o te Iwi and the wharekai is Te Re o te Ora. OUR MARAE AND OUR AFFILIATED HAPU. The wharenui is Pōwhiri and the wharekai is Ngā Reo o Ngā Whaea. Its identity is associated with the Ngāpuhi (Ngāti Hao, Ngāti Toro) Horeke: Paripari Marae: Paripari: Ngāpuhi (Ngāi Tāwake ki te Waoku) Otaua: Pateoro / Te Karae: Pōwhiri, Te Rarawa / Te Ihutai: Te Rarawa : Kohukohu: Te Pātūnga: Te Watea: Ngāpuhi / Ngāti Kahu ki Whaingaroa (Ngāti Pākahi, Ngāti Uru, Te Aeto, Whānau Pani) Kaeo: Pikiparia: Haiti-tai-marangai (Whatuwhiwhi) marae is located on the south coast of the Karikari peninsula at Whatuwhiwhi. Te Tai Tokerau Pupuke marae is roughly 5 minutes drive east of the Northland township of Kaeo, and can be accessed via State Highway 10. [1] State Highway 1 and the North Auckland railway line run Te Kahui Mangai(TKM) is a directory of iwi (tribes) and Maori organisations for purposes of consultation and research. com Marae Bookings: Loren Phillips 0211536960 Matapōuri Trustee: Aperahama Edwards Kei runga ake o te ngahere Ōmahuta/Puketī, raro mai i Ōkaihau, tua tata mai i te ara matua 1, i te takiwā o Rāhiri te marae o Piki Te Aroha. It represents the Ngāti Toro hapu of Ngāpuhi, who are descended from the waka named Marae Ngā marae o Ngāti Tarāwhai . There are also other tribal groups who affiliate to Ngāti Maniapoto and Ngāti Tūwharetoa. Whakapara marae affiliates to the Ngāti Hao and Ngāti Hau hapu, who affiliate This is a list of lists of marae (Māori meeting grounds) in the Northland Region of He mea hanga tōku whare, ko Papatūānuku te paparahi. Korokota. Te Tai Tokerau; Related Waka Wane affiliates to Ngāpuhi and his hapū groups of Te Uri Kaiwhare, Te Māhurehure, Ngāti Hao, Ngati Hau, Ngāti Toro, Ngaitawake, Ngāti Hine, Te Uri Karaka and Ngāti Hine-Mutu. The customary authority of the latter hapu includes Waimate. Chair: Mokoro Gillett CEO/GM: Lisa Gardiner Introduction Raukawa ki te Tonga is a confederation of various iwi and hapū. Maru Ora Charitable Trust is committed to facilitating life-long opportunities for Ngāti Maruwharanui uri that enables them to be well educated, trained and confident in their Ngāti Marutanga. Parahaki marae is connected to the maunga named Three Kings, Ngāti Hao +3. In the gathering of tribal records and documents held in the Maori Land Court I am indebted to former work colleagues Bill Kaka, Selwyn Peters, Rex Wilson, Russell Wells and Ray Polamalu, for their generous help and support. Nō Ngāti Hau hapū o Ngāpuhi iwi tēnei marae. Ngāwhā marae is located 5 minutes drive east of Kaikohe off State Highway 12. The marae Fundraising via the marae komiti bought two new stoves, a refrigerator, and a freezer. Following several hui called to settle the tribal boundaries of the Whanganui people, a meeting held at Kaipō Puketawa marae is located in the Utakura valley in the upper reaches of the Hokianga Harbour, between Hōreke and Okaihau. The information is categorised by Ngāpuhi Takiwā. Over the past 10 years Dee-Ann has been the Kaihautu for three Iwi/Māori organisations. | Ngāti Hei, Hei o Wharekaho Settlement Trust, Ngāti Hei Charitable Trust, Hauraki Māori Trust Board, | Iwi | Ngā Pakiaka panel discussion #3 hosted by our Heamana Aperahama Edwards and Raukura Huhana Lyndon. [2] [3]According to the 2018 New Zealand census, Kei te riu o Utakura, Utatewhanga, o te Hokianga kei waenganui o Ōkaihau me Hōreke te marae o Puketawa. Pehiaweri marae is associated with Motukiore marae is located on Motukiore Road in Hōreke. Its connects to three maunga depending on the In a way, the Whangaehu Marae has become a last bastion for the local hapu (subtribes) of Nga Wairiki Ngati Apa that once occupied the fertile plains of the Whangaehu River, from inland at Kohurupo and Manuriro, to the coast at Waihaua marae is located in Tinopai, Matakohe. The wharenui is Te Reo o te Iwi and the wharekai is Whakapara marae is located on Puhipuhi Rd beside the Wairua River, 10 minutes drive north of Hikurangi on State Highway 1. Its principal hapū are Ngāti Toro, Ngāti Hao, Ngāi Tawake ki te Moana and not The Omaha Pā (Marae) is situated at Little Omaha (Waikowhai ) and was the original kāinga for our Tupuna -Te Kiri Patuparaoa raua ko Pepei. Ngāti Hauā is a Māori iwi of the eastern Waikato of New Zealand. The wharenui is also called Te Kōwhai. Te Tai Tokerau Ōmaha. Later the home of Rahui raua ko Tenetahi. The local hapu, Ngati Hau, Te Parawhau and Ngati Hao of Ngāpuhii. Address: 30 Waimamaku Beach Rd, Waiotemarama, Kaikohe, 0473 Phone: (09) 405 4572 Chairman: Te Uri o Te Aho, Te Uri o te Aho ki Orira, Ngati Kiore, Te Ihutai, Ngati Toro,Ngati Patutoka, Ngati Te Reinga, Te Uri Kaiwhare, Te Mahurehure, Ngati Pakau, Ngati te Rauwawe, Mahuri Marae whanau, Hokianga o nga hapu whanau taiwhenua application area map [PDF, 86 KB] The Marae of Ngāti Kaipoho And Ngāti Aweawe today is called Manutuke marae which is situated on the Manutuke 1, C, E4 blocks. Cooks visit to New Zealand in 1769. This marae is associated with hapū Ngāti Kauwau and Kaitangata, and also the haupū Whanaupani of Ngāti Kahu ki Whangaroa and Ngāpuhi. The wharenui is named Te Huia. Dee-Ann is an accomplished leader with a diverse background in Governance, Social Services and Financial Auditing. Its principal hapu are Ngāi Tawake, Te Honihoni, Ngāti Toro, and Ngāti Hao of the Ngāpuhi confederation. Fourty eight of our marae Tauratumaru was the eponymous founding tupuna and the first Ariki of Te Popoto. Iwi, hapu, marae, rohe, RMA, MFA, Treaty of Waitangi, regional and local councils, iwi contact, iwi contacts, iwi contact details, contact details. Nō Ngāti Hau, Te Parawhau, me Ngāti Hao hapū o Ngāpuhi tēnei marae. According to Smith, who visited the battle site around 1867, the area was littered with the bones of the fallen. Tēnā rā koutou katoa Whakapara marae is located on Puhipuhi Rd beside the Wairua River, 10 minutes drive north of Hikurangi on State Highway 1. <br /> <br /> The Te Touwai marae, otherwise known as Karangahape ki Matangirau, is on the eastern side of the Whangaroa Harbour near Waitapu Bay. Whakatū is the Te Mātai. In this third Ngā Pakiaka o Manaia panel discussion of the series they are joined by manuhiri Kaikōrero Winston McCarthy (Otetao Reti Marae, Manaia Legal) and Moana Tuwhare (Ngāpuhi, Mather Solutions) as we examine and explore He Whakaputanga 1835, Te Tiriti o Ngāti Hao The Hapū. Pehiaweri. Kāretu Marae has three main areas. We welcome you to the official website of Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke. Ko Parihaka te maunga, ko Hātea te awa. The whare tipuna is also Ngāpuhi (also known as Ngāpuhi-Nui-Tonu or Ngā Puhi) is a Māori iwi associated with the Northland regions of New Zealand centred in the Hokianga, the Bay of Islands, and Whangārei. Hapū Ngāti Hao. 5 marae Pehiaweri marae is on the north-eastern outskirts of Whangarei. Hapū Ngāti Hau (Ngāpuhi) Ngāti Hao Te Tai Tokerau Piki Te Aroha. Search Site. Our marae are the heartbeat of our whanau. The primary hapū for this marae is Ngāti Hangarau of Ngāti Ranginui. Ko āna hapū matua ko Ngāti Toro, Ngāti Hao, ā, me Ngāi Tawake ki te Tuawhenua. The main Te Takinga (Hohowai) Marae is home to the hapu Ngati Te Takinga of the iwi, Ngati Pikiao, which in turn is an affiliated member of the Te Arawa confederation of tribes. Ngāti Hine. It belongs to the iwi known as Te Uri o Hau of Ngāti Whātua. The meeting house, dining room, kitchen area and ablution block with the Kōhanga Reo building on top. Motukiore marae connects Ngātiwai Marae Tuparehuia Trustee: Robert Diamond ropatadiamond@gmail. “My main objective as Chair is to right the Rātā Marae Ko Ruahine te pae maunga, ko Rangitīkei te awa, ko Rātā te marae, ko Hauiti te Whare Tupuna, ko Ngāti Hauiti te iwi . Nō Te Popoto, Ngāi Tawake, Te Honihoni, Ngāti Toro, me Ngāti Hao, hapū o Ngāpuhi tēnei marae. He reached adulthood Waikōhatu Situated at Ruatō, Waikōhatu marae looks out over Lake Rotoiti. Who is the Tumuaki? Tumuakitanga is a hereditary role which Piki te Aroha marae is located just off State Highway 1 on the southern side of the Omahuta and Puketi forest, north of Okaihau, in the area known as Rāhiri. At over 100 years old, Te Ōhākī Marae is General Enquiries Including Marae Hire: Lil Walton | 07 357 5814. By 15 April 1972, the committee opened the first stage of Ngāti Otara Marae (ex-Otaahuhu Ngatitaka, Ngati Kahu O Torongare, Ngati Wai, Ngati Manu, Ngati Hine and Te Parawhau. This has raised questions about representation either by hapū or marae, for Located just out of town, Te Houhanga Marae looked somewhat forlorn in the murky weather, its carvings covered in lichen, its lawns wet and soggy. Legal entity: Common Law Trust Governance structure: One representative from each of five marae and three elected at hui-a-iwi. Hapū Ngāi Tawake ki te Moana Te Tai Tokerau Te Kahui Mangai(TKM) is a directory of iwi (tribes) and Maori organisations for purposes of consultation and research. Hapū Te Urioroi (Ngāpuhi) 1 marae. Ko te Reo o te Iwi te wharenui, ā, ko Te Reo o te Ora te wharekai. Pehiaweri marae is on the north-eastern outskirts of Whangarei. The marae connects to the iwi Ngāti Tama, Ngāti Rārua, Te Ātiawa, Ngāti Koata, Ngāti Toa Rangatira and Ngāti Kuia. On 23 October 2010, the long-awaited signing of Te Whakatau – The Ngāti Kuia Deed of Settlement This marae is located outside the settlement of Towai, north of Whangarei. Ngāti Hinemihi. Ko Te Ihi o Nehua te wharenui. Te Uru Taumatua . Te Mātai is a hill located between Tangarākau and Waitara. This is a place for whānau near and far to connect with Te Kōwhai marae is found on Te Kōwhai Road in Matakohe. Waikōhatu Marae. Ko te mana tuku Welcome to our Marae, Te Rāpaki o Te Rakiwhakaputa. Although the tohunga whakairo of Ngāti Tarāwhai travelled the motu and were involved in the building and carving of many meeting houses it was not until Search for marae. Hapū Ngāi Tawake ki te Moana Te Tai Tokerau Pikipāria. One is that it comes from Haupipi, who arrived in New Zealand on the Aotea canoe, after his first canoe, Kurahaupō, was wrecked. Whakapara is a village and rural community in the Whangarei District, six kilometres north of Hikurangi, twenty-two kilometres north of central Whangārei, and eight kilometres south-east of Hūkerenui, in the Northland Region of New Zealand's North Island. Search for marae. The history of Ngāti Hao therefore is therefore better known through the exploits of its much Ōkorihi marae is south-west of Kaikohe off State Highway 12. Piki te Aroha marae is located just off State Highway 1 on the southern side of the Omahuta and Puketi forest, north of Okaihau, in the area known as Rāhiri. nz Oromāhoe marae is located roughly 15 km inland of Waitangi on Porotu Road off State Highway 10. org. Ngāti Hao were an influential group and through Patuone and Nene’s leadership after their father Tapua’s death, an important part of the Ngāpuhi military alliance as well as being a force in their own right. The principal hapu are Ngāti Kawa, Ngāti Rāhiri, Whānaurara, Ngāre Hauata and Matarahurahu of Ngāpuhi. He Korona Whakataena 2023 Ngāpuhi (Ngāti Hao, Ngāti Toro) Horeke: Paripari Marae: Paripari: Ngāpuhi (Ngāi Tāwake ki te Waoku) Otaua: Pateoro / Te Karae: Pōwhiri, Te Rarawa / Te Ihutai: Te Rarawa (Te Ihutai) Kohukohu: Te Pātūnga: Te Watea: Ngāpuhi / Ngāti Kahu ki Whaingaroa (Ngāti Pākahi, Ngāti Uru, Te Aeto, Whānau Pani) Kaeo: Pikiparia: Hangarau Marae (also known as Peterehema) is located in Bethlehem, outside of Tauranga. Iwi include Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Huia, Ngāti Kauwhata, Ngāti Tukorehe and Ngāti Wehiwehi. Waihaua marae connects to the Kaipara Harbour. [3] Taharakau, a famous chief of Ngati Maru, was known for his proverbial sayings. The other is that it is derived from Ko Arahura te marae Ko Tūhuru te whare tupuna. The whare tipuna is also called Tū Teao, and the wharekai is This marae belongs to the Ngāti Toki, Te Kumutu and Ngāti Whakahotu hapū of the iwi Ngapuhi. The wharenui is named E Koro Kia Tutuki. Hapū Ngāti Hao Te Tai Tokerau Related Related Hapu. Ngati Ngāti Manawa Marae. The hapū derives its name from an event where their ancestor, Hineiahua was Ngāti Hao and Ngāpuhi. The primary hapū is Ngā Maihi of Ngāti Awa. The principal hapu are Ngāti Ueoneone, Ngāti Hinemutu and Ngāti Tautahi of Ngāpuhi. The Organisation . The wharenui is Te Ihi o Nehua. It belongs to the iwi of Te Uri o Hau of Ngāti Whātua. Ko Tāhere te wharenui tawhito e tū tonu ana ki konei. Akerama. Ngāti Tahu – Ngāti Whaoa Rūnanga Trust is a mandated tribal authority empowered in-part to address the social, cultural, health, education, employment, spiritual and environmental needs of the iwi within their tribal boundaries and Tūteao marae is located in Te Teko on the banks of the Rangitaiki River. The meeting house is quite small compared to Ngātira marae is located in the Waikato, 18 km southwest of Putaruru. If you are looking for contact information to make a marae booking for a hui, or want to learn the names of wharenui from different hapu, this section may be able to help you out. Ngāti Manunui. It is part of the Tainui confederation. | Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Pikiao Iwi Trust, Ngāti Pikiao Environmental Society, Te Pūmautanga o Te Arawa Trust, Te Ātene (Athens), a village on the Whanganui River, in about 1890 [1]. Iwi Ngāpuhi. Information below relating to Marae who affiliate to Ngāpuhi, including associated hapū and contact details, are provided below. Vacancies ; Governance . Pateoro marae affiliates to Te Ihutai hapū within the iwi of Te Rarawa and connects ancestrally to Maungapohatu, and the awa Te Karae. Learn more Navigation. There are two stories of where the name Ngāti Hau comes from. Pateoro (Te Karae) marae, is located on Te Karae Road, Kohukohu, in the northern reaches of Hokianga Harbour. Its traditional area includes Matamata, Cambridge, Maungakawa, the Horotiu Ngati Porou Register. The wharenui is named Kirihipi. He, with his tuakana, Tama and Rahuikotuku took the land Nukuhau Pā, also known as Rauhoto marae, is located in Taupo, 200 m west of the mouth of the Waikato River on the corner of Piritoi Street and Morrison Street. Nō Ngāi Tawake, Te Honihoni, Te Ngahengahe, Ngāti Toro, Ngāti Hao, hapū o Ngāpuhi tēnei marae. Waihao belongs to Waitaha, Kāti Mamoe and Ngāi Tahu. Ngāti Hao; Ngāti Hau (Ngāpuhi) Te Parawhau (Ngāpuhi) Te Urioroi (Ngāpuhi) Related Iwi. Where our meeting house stands, It is called Wheke. Main marae contact: Deeanne Tukariri – 021 453 967 Chairperson: Deanne Tukariri Secretary: Nathan Takinui-Williams Treasurer: Betty Matthews Bookings/enquiries: Deeanne Tukariri – 021 453 967 You may notice that a number of hapū for instance Ngāti Tawhaki and Ngāti Rongo have multiple marae, therefore, their presence within a rohe is duplicated. Home Calendar Kāinga He Pānui Strategy and Planning Whakapā mai Ngā Tohunga Marae Kei te Huarahi Puhipuhi i te taha o te awa o Wairua, kotahi ngahuru mīneti raro mai i Hikurangi tua tata i te ara matua 1, te marae o Whakapara. Waihao connects ancestrally to the waka Uruao, Araiteuru and Takitimu, and the awa To further cement the relationship that now existed between Ngati Hao and Ngati Manuhiri, two women from Nga Puhi married two of Te Kiri’s grandsons. The principal hapu is Ngāti Rangi of the Ngāpuhi confederation. tarimanomaraetrust@gmail. Dee-Ann Wolferstan, CEO. Its wharenui is named Karangahape. <br /> <br /> It belongs to the iwi of Ngati Kahu ki Whangaroa. Hapū Ngāti Hau (Ngāpuhi) Te Tai Tokerau Ngāti Hao Te Tai Tokerau Piki Te Aroha. Nga Marae. Korohe. Topic: Te Raa Nehua Zoom Meeting Time: Oct 21, 2020 05:45 PM Auckland, During the 1930s, the community constructed Rongomaipapa Marae on Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara land, gifted to Ngāti Kahungunu settlers as part of the Māori Land Development Search for marae. Whakatū Marae is located in Taitapu Bay, Nelson. Its principal hapū are Ngāti Toro, Ngāti Hao, Ngāi Tawake ki te Moana and not least, Ngāi Tawake ki te Tuawhenua. Whakapara marae affiliates to the Ngāti Hao and Ngāti Hau hapu, who affiliate Search for marae. Register Login. 4 marae Contact details. The wharenui is named Huiarau, and the second whare is named Ruapekapeka after a former fighting pa located south of Te Kahui Mangai(TKM) is a directory of iwi (tribes) and Maori organisations for purposes of consultation and research. Call Free: 0800 67 67 68 or 0800 NPOROU Email: registrations@tronp. Kauriki. Tūhuru was a chief of Ngāti Waewae, a hapū of Ngāi Tahu. Ko Te Popoto ko Tauratumaru, Ko Tauratumaru ko Te Popoto. Tauratumaru marae is located in the Utakura region in the upper reaches of the Hokianga Harbour, between Horeke and Okaihau. Its hapū are Te Popoto, Ngāi Tawake, Te Honihoni, Ngāti Kei te takiwā o Utakura o te Hokianga kei waenganui o Hōreke me Ōkaihau te marae o Tauratūmaru. There are 25 iwi/hapū groups. Ko Kareponia te Marae Ko Ngāti Kahu te Iwi. Learn more Hinemihi Marae. The primary hapū are Ngāti Rauhoto and Ngāti Te Urunga of the iwi Ngāti A wānanga hui for Ngāti Hao is being called to discuss a Ngāti Hao pouwhakairo for placement up on Te Ruapekapeka Pa When: Wednesday 21 October 6pm - 8pm Where: Whakapara Marae Availability: Zoom OUR MARAE mahi rangatira ki te iwi. . Maniaiti . Mataitaua marae is located in Hōreke in the Hokianga, off Rangiahua Road. zytqocvajzhdtmszvlfcnhjeyhzxvhhdevnkldrxidbaiwb